Daily Stormer
December 31, 2014

Boehner is not someone I ever expect to tip my hat to. But here I am doing so. He is actually standing for something.
I’m sure he has some sick ulterior motives, probably somehow linked to some backroom Jewish something or other. Still though.
Kudos, John.
House Speaker John Boehner has thrown his full support behind his embattled ally, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, as more ties between Scalise and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke—including a nearly-decade long close relationship with the ex-KKK leader’s top aide—have emerged.
Boehner backed Scalise, as it became apparent that, if Scalise goes down over this scandal, his entire leadership team—and Boehner’s own Speakership—could be in jeopardy.
“More than a decade ago, Representative Scalise made an error in judgment, and he was right to acknowledge it was wrong and inappropriate,” Boehner said. “Like many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, I know Steve to be a man of high integrity and good character. He has my full confidence as our Whip, and he will continue to do great and important work for all Americans.”
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy also backed up Scalise, as it became public that Boehner could lose his Speakership over this, jeopardizing his own spot in GOP leadership.
“Congressman Scalise acknowledged he made a mistake and has condemned the views that organization espouses,” McCarthy said. “I’ve known him as a friend for many years and I know that he does not share the beliefs of that organization.”
Those statements come as two nationally syndicated conservative radio hosts—Mark Levin, via his Facebook page, and Sean Hannity, in an exclusive statement to Breitbart News—are demanding a clean sweep of House GOP leadership, pushing for Boehner, McCarthy, and Scalise to be removed by Republican members.
“GOP establishment a disastrous mess. Clean them out. Time for new leaders with conservative principles,” Levin said on Facebook about the Scalise scandal, adding that: “You RINOs need to do a much better job of vetting your leaders & candidates. After all, you’re the pros, right?”
Levin also said that Boehner is backing Scalise up a hundred percent because Scalise was involved in purging conservatives who were in the way of Boehner’s big government initiatives during his time as the chairman of the Republican Study Committee.
“Boehner all in for Scalise, and here’s why,” Levin said with a link to a previous posting on his website about Scalise’s role in helping Boehner eliminate conservative opposition via the RSC to his big government initiatives
Mark Levine is a true blue conservative, goyim. He is one of God’s chosen people and he would never try to trick you or Jew you over in any way.
Here are some liberal Jews talking about it (they have the same opinion of the conservative Jews on the pro-White guy??? Shocking!):
Here’s some Negroes on the topic:
No pun was intended by the title of this article. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you people. Why would I ever make that joke in the midst of such serious drama?