Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2015

I feel slightly evil for laughing out loud when I saw the headline “Boko Haram Appears to Be Using Abducted Girls as Suicide Bombers: Experts.” In my own defense, I have to say that it was mainly the use of the word “appears,” which made me think of some White British liberal observing the situation in horror, saying “my God… it appears as though…”
The media is of course outraged, which is misplaced, in my opinion. The suffering of living things is always sad, and I don’t mean to reduce tragedy by chuckling at this headline and then publicly saying I chuckled at it. But expecting Africans not to act like Africans is such a goofy crusade. I dare say it is even racist, to demand they meet our standards of morality. This is a continent where the traditional cuisine, for hundreds of thousands of years, was human flesh.
So, that I laughed…
We have heard so much about the horror of the kidnapped girls, we have heard this endless screech of “my dear the horror,” to have the next thing be that they are now using the girls as bombs – it sounds cartoonish. Like first we were outraged they were taken from their families, then we were outraged they were going to be wives, then we were outraged they were going to be sold into sex slavery and now… they are going to be blown up for Allah.
For the record, this could just be an atrocity lie. But it almost sounds too stupid. Though I guess I’ve studied the Lampshadocaust long enough to know there is no point at which something is too stupid to be sold as an atrocity lie.
“The West” (a collective term for Jews, capitalists and Jewish capitalists) has been very upset with the way China is peacefully colonizing Africa and meeting zero resistance. They almost appear to be jealous of their finesse. They are looking for an excuse to get involved, using their traditional bombastic “invade you to save the freedom” techniques.
At the same time, it wouldn’t be at all surprising if some Negroes really were kidnapping a bunch of little girls and using them as bombs.
Fun fact: “Boko Haram” means “school is bad.” Their key issue is that girls are being sent to school, and they shouldn’t be.
The leader is described by CNN thusly:
He is the face of terror. A ruthless leader with a twisted ideology. And the sadistic architect of a campaign of mayhem and misery.
And yet, very little is known about Abubakar Shekau, the leader of Boko Haram.
He is totally as hardcore as he sounds.

Anyway, what a waste of time this story is. We’ve enough problems without having to worry about some monkey hullabaloo in Monkistan.