Bolshevism 2.0: Radio Hosts Fired For Criticizing Sex Change Operations

Daily Stormer
May 22, 2014

The new normal.
The new normal. Celebrate it or suffer the consequences.

In the early days of the Soviet Union, the Jewish Bolsheviks attempted to radically destroy all norms of traditional society overnight. But this dramatic approach did not succeed, and many of the nations under the Soviet yoke ended up remaining truer to their traditions than the “free” nations of the West. This is because the West was suffering under the program of Cultural Marxism, or Bolshevism 2.0.

Rather than turning everything upside down overnight, Cultural Marxism takes a much more gradual approach. It infected our collective psyche with the idea that absolute equality for all individuals was a moral imperative. But the full logical consequences of this radical equality was worked out gradually. It started with equality for Jews, then for Blacks, and now sodomites and transgender lunatics. We don’t have party commissars coming to our doors to enforce political correctness (not yet anyway), but apparently offending the “transgender community” can cost you your job.

From the AP:

Two upstate New York radio hosts have been fired over their on-air comments about Rochester’s decision to cover gender reassignment surgery for city employees.

Entercom Rochester on Thursday announced the firings of Kimberly Ray and Barry Beck from WBZA, calling their comments “hateful” and saying they don’t represent the station.

Ray referred to someone seeking gender reassignment surgery as “a nut job.” Beck equated the issue to having the city pay for breast enhancement or liposuction for a mentally ill woman.

Radio hosts Barry Beck and Kimberly Ray.
Radio hosts Barry Beck and Kimberly Ray.

This is Jew-run America. Accept “transgenderism”, or pay the price.