Bonkers Bolton Demands North Korea Explain Disease of Whiny Kike Faggot “Warm Beer”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 4, 2019

In a recent piece I did on the whiny fag-boy Otto Warm Beer, I said he was probably a Jew. It turns out, he is a confirmed Jew and his family covered it up for some reason.

Also after my last article, someone said I was being too mean to the faggot kike, and that maybe he didn’t really commit an act of vandalism against the Korean state while a visitor in their country.

Well, here’s the video.

Hundreds of Westerners travel to North Korea every year, and there is literally no reason for them to fake this. Why would they want to deal with these problems? I haven’t even seen any official person claim he didn’t do it, they just claim being imprisoned was too mean a punishment, then posit a lunatic conspiracy theory that the Koreans purposefully poisoned him just to be mean.

Trump said he believed Kim that they didn’t cause him the health problems Warm Beer had when he returned on purpose. There is no evidence that they did it on purpose. It is much more likely that he had some kind of bad reaction to medication, or that he attempted suicide.

But of course, after Trump made that statement, his chief Israeli operative had to swoop in and counter his statements in order to purposefully inflame the situation.


President Donald Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton said Sunday that North Korea should should provide a full explanation of Otto Warmbier’s detainment and death.

Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union, Bolton called for North Korea to describe the circumstances surrounding the death of Warmbier, a U.S. student who traveled to North Korea in 2015 where he was arrested and sentenced to 15 years in prison after he tried to take a propaganda poster from his hotel and died after being returned to the United States while in a coma in 2017.

“The best thing North Korea could do right now would be to give us a full accounting of what happened and who was responsible for it,” said Bolton.

They’ve already said they didn’t do it.

What purpose would a full account of “we didn’t do it” serve?

Bolton’s comments came after Trump said North Korean leader Kim Jong Un told him he “felt very badly” about Warmbier’s death and that he took Kim “at his word” that he wasn’t aware of the incident, which drew ire from Wambier’s parents and some Republican lawmakers.

When asked if he shared Trump’s stance on Kim’s statements, Bolton reiterated that “the president takes him at his word.”

“My opinion doesn’t matter,” Bolton added. “I am not the national security decision-maker. That’s his view.”

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy directly opposed Trump’s viewpoint in an interview on ABC News’ This Week, saying he believes Kim was aware of Warmbier’s arrest.

“I think Kim had all authority to do that. I mean, I think Kim knew what happened, which was wrong,” he said.

McCarthy added that the United States left sanctions against North Korea that were named after Warmbier in place.

“That’s why when we passed sanctions, we named it after Otto Warmbier, that’s why the president kept those sanctions in place. The sanctions the president did not lift on North Korea are named after Otto and I think the president clarified that,” he said.

Yes, because everything the United States does is in the name of some goddamn kike rat.

And we’ll start a world war for a kike vandal who acted like such a little faggot at these court hearings that I almost feel bad for the entire kike species, such is the shame.

Maybe if he hadn’t acted like the biggest faggot since this picture:

The Koreans would have had a little bit more sympathy.

The kike deserves 15 years in a labor camp just for that viscerally repulsive public crying event.

There is no single person on earth who doesn’t know that there are strict laws in North Korea.

This Jew made the conscious decision to flagrantly violate those laws – not by doing something simply offensive, like urinating on a public street, and not by doing some crime of passion, like murdering a hooker, but by specifically targeting the state itself in a political act of vandalism.

Why is America a nation that defends people who behave this way?

I mean, I get that this is just a politically expedient excuse for escalating hostilities, but why are people accepting of this? Why would they even think to use this as an excuse?

I’ll tell you what, I long for the day that the gooks invade America and run it instead of the Jews.

Just look at these two individuals:

Why would you rather be your lord and master?

The Jews are not a serious people. They are a vile, disgusting race of vindictive feminine monsters.

When the gooks take control, business will be serious business.

No gook ever flooded my country with niggers.

No gook ever tricked anyone’s son into cutting his penis off.