BOOM. Done. No More Nigger Boats for Italy.

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
July 1, 2018

Wow. It really was this easy all along.


Migrants saved by boats run by non-governmental organisations will not be allowed into Italy, rightwing Interior Minister Matteo Salvini says.

Mr Salvini has often accused the NGOs of encouraging the trafficking of migrants. He told Corriere della Sera these NGOs were no longer “legitimate”.

Lol, eat shit, niglets.

He also hailed the agreement reached by European Union leaders in Brussels that Italy hopes will lessen its burden.

Thousands of migrants, mainly from African countries, have reached Italy.


And there was a summit where they tried to hash this all out.

Italy has complained about the lack of solidarity and its new government sparked a crisis earlier this month when it did not allow a boat full of migrants, the Aquarius, to disembark. Spain agreed to take them after days at sea.

The Brussels summit agreement foresees the creation of secure centres to receive migrants in EU countries on a voluntary basis – but it does not specify where.

President Emmanuel Macron of France, for instance, said hours after the deal that they would be in countries where migrants arrived first – such as Italy and Greece, but not France.

Italy insists these may be set up anywhere in the EU. 

They’re playing hot potato with these refugees.

I hope they don’t bully one of the Visegrad countries into taking them…that would be a disaster.

But wait, oh shit, this farce has entered a new chapter. Check this out:

The issue has destabilised the governing coalition led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Mrs Merkel’s key ally, Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, has threatened to start turning away migrants who have already registered elsewhere.

So the German chancellor says she has struck bilateral agreements with 14 countries to return migrants registered there if their claims to asylum in Germany have been rejected.

Spain and Greece have also agreed to take back migrants, but not Italy or Austria – both run by populist governments.

And Hungary, one of the countries listed by the German media, said no such agreement had been reached, either.

So basically, Germany is now saying that they want to dump these people THAT MERKEL INVITED back onto the frontline countries and other nations that haven’t been enriched.


If that’s not avoiding the fallout from your mistake, I don’t know what is.

Merkel may legit manage to make this situation even worse before she loses office.

I didn’t think that was possible, but the ol’ gal doesn’t want to disappoint. They’re to spread these refugees like shit on a sandwich, trying to ruin everything for everyone in the vain hope that if they spread the shit evenly enough, things will turn out OK.

But things won’t turn out OK.

One way or another, there’s going to be blood to pay for this. This last-minute scrambling is proof that something has gone wrong, something’s not going according to plan – QUICK EVERYONE panic!

And we have one man to thank.

One man said “NO” and refused to let Merkel use his country as a garbage can.

Now they’re all scrambling.

Now they see the problem.

NOW things are going to get interesting.