Boomers Must be Made to Pay Back the Money They Stole

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2019

The jig is up, gramps. It’s time to give back the money.

I watched some of the videos of the Boomer Prime who Roy featured in an article earlier today.

What have boomers done?

  • Boomers were born into the greatest economy in all of human history
  • Boomers used that economy to enrich themselves personally by sucking everything out of it and putting it in their bank accounts
  • In order to keep the scam going, boomers flooded the country with nonwhite hordes to work for cheap
  • Boomers did all of the drugs and fucked each other like dogs, destroying the institution of marriage forever
  • Boomers liberated women and black people
  • Boomers divorced because they were too selfish to keep their marriages together for the sake of their kids
  • Boomers even created a meme about how it was wrong to “stay together for the kids”
  • Boomers created a generation of young people who can’t maintain relationships because they watched their parents destroy each other in the pursuit of personal happiness
  • Boomers destroyed Christianity and replaced it with a new religion based on hoarding money and worshiping the Jews
  • Boomers sided with Israel over America and sent a bunch of millennials to fight wars for Jews and spent trillions of money that should have been used for Americans on these wars
  • Boomers let the faggots run wild and said it was “their own personal choice” to turn everything queer
  • Boomers decided that “racism” is the worst possible sin in all of the universe, and proved they didn’t commit that sin by handing over the entire country to nonwhites, thus stealing it from all future generations so they could feel good about themselves
  • Boomers proceeded to blame all of the problems they created on the broken young people that they raised in the dystopian hellscape they created

These boomers must be made to pay back all of the money they stole, and they must be made to pay for destroying all of society with their hedonism and heathenism.

And it is all hedonism:

  • Sexual liberation
  • Doing all those drugs
  • Stealing all of that money
  • Making Christianity – a religion about suffering to attain enlightenment – about “personal happiness”
  • Letting faggots run wild
  • Getting divorces to go out in their 40s, 50s and 60s to “date” like they are teenagers
  • Feeling a warm heart when they see brown people getting free things stolen from their own children and grandchildren and every future generation

They have framed their own hedonism as morally good:

  • Abortion = “woman’s right to choose”
  • Doing drugs = “living free”
  • Stealing money = “fiscal responsibility to increase the GDP”
  • Loving Jews and fighting their wars = “fulfilling Biblical prophecy”
  • Faggots on the loose molesting children = “personal freedom”
  • Getting a divorce and destroying families = “taking care of my self, I deserve to be happy”
  • Giving away everything to brown people = “we are a nation of immigrants, Statue of Liberty poem, our values”

They’re going to have to give back the stolen money and more.

I like Andrew Yang’s plan to give everyone $1000/mo.

But we really need a candidate who is willing to say he will take the money from the boomers and give it back to the people they robbed.

We need someone with a plan to loot the pensions and social security of boomers and funnel the money directly into the Steam accounts of millennials and zoomers.

If the boomers starve, well, maybe they can go ask those 100+ million brown people they flooded America with for assistance.

Whatever happens, it isn’t our problem. Just like it wasn’t their problem when they stole all of our money, destroyed our ancient religion, destroyed the institution of marriage, flooded us with immigrants, legalized and celebrated sodomy, etc.

We’re not going to think about them any more than they thought about the future of the civilization they flushed down the drain.

We can’t ever fix the civilization boomers destroyed, but they must give back the stolen money.