Boosh: Saudis Getting Blown Up in Their Own Base

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 4, 2016


The Prophet Muhammad Mosque. Actually sort of cool looking. We’ll turn it into a music hall after we send in the robots to ethnically cleanse the Middle East.

Good news: the number one world funder of international Islamic terrorism is getting a taste of their own medicine.

And that medicine, dear friends, tastes like burning.


A bomb exploded outside the Prophet’s Mosque in the Saudi city of Medina – one of the holiest sites in Islam – on Monday night. The bomber himself, and at least two security officers were killed in the blast.

Saudi TV news network Al-Arabiya reported that the two men were breaking their Ramadan fast, when they spotted the attacker. Monday is the last night of the holy month of Ramadan, and marks the beginning of Eid, the biggest festival in the Muslim calendar.

Multiple videos flooding social media showed charred corpses lying next to the burning husk of a car in the mosque’s car park, as police and ambulance sirens blared, and hundreds of onlookers filmed footage on their smartphones.

Also known as Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, the Prophet’s Mosque is one of the holiest sites in Islam. It was the second mosque ever built, with the aid of Mohammed himself, who lived in a house next door. His tomb is still located there – sealed off from worshippers – and an iconic green-painted dome has been built over it.

Other explosions took place Monday in the port of Jeddah, and Qatif, an eastern city populated by the predominantly-Sunni country’s embattled Shia minority.

The Jeddah blast occurred outside the US consulate – the attack on a foreign target in years – and resulted in wounds to two security officers, as well as the death of the bomber.

In Qatif, the explosion was next to a mosque, where people had gathered to evening prayers. So far, only body parts, presumably belonging to the bomber, have been identified.

I’m not sure what the ramifications of this will be.

Presumably, it will make rank and file Arabs (and other Moslems, but especially Arabs) angry that the elite of Saudi are funding the people who did this. It also might confuse the 75 IQ elites of Saudi Arabia and make them question their own strategy of funding terrorists.

Either that, or it will be too difficult for any of them to think about so they’ll just forget about it.

For the terrorists themselves, I would think seeing it happen once in Saudi would make them want to see it happen more. Although the leadership of ISIS is obviously aware of the fact that they’re getting all their money from these people (at least all of it that isn’t coming directly from Israel or the West), the average member of ISIS as well as the middle management either doesn’t know that or doesn’t care.

What will be very interesting is if ISIS either doesn’t claim the attack (they haven’t at time of writing), or kicks it up a notch and condemns it.

ISIS has claimed attacks in Saudi before – once in January of 2015 and once in January of current year – but neither of them were in a holy city, certainly not at one of the religion’s holiest mosques.