Boring, Inane Kike Charles Krauthammer Finally Dead!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 22, 2018

And not a minute too soon, the boring kike Charles Krauthammer has bit the dust!

Fox News:

Charles Krauthammer, a longtime Fox News contributor, Pulitzer Prize winner, Harvard-trained psychiatrist and best-selling author who came to be known as the dean of conservative commentators, died Thursday. He was 68.

His death had been expected after he wrote a heartbreaking letter to colleagues, friends and viewers on June 8 that said in part “I have been uncharacteristically silent these past ten months. I had thought that silence would soon be coming to an end, but I’m afraid I must tell you now that fate has decided on a different course for me…

“Recent tests have revealed that the cancer has returned. There was no sign of it as recently as a month ago, which means it is aggressive and spreading rapidly. My doctors tell me their best estimate is that I have only a few weeks left to live. This is the final verdict. My fight is over.” The letter continued, “I leave this life with no regrets. It was a wonderful life — full and complete with the great loves and great endeavors that make it worth living.”

In recent years, Krauthammer was best known for his nightly appearance as a panelist on Fox News’ “Special Report with Bret Baier” and as a commentator on various Fox news shows.

Following the news of the death of his “good friend,” Baier posted on Twitter, “I am sure you will be owning the panel discussion in heaven as well. And we’ll make sure your wise words and thoughts – your legacy – will live on here.”

Someone seems to have forgotten to remind Bret O’Baier that all kikes go to hell!

They killed Christ, O’Baier! Why would they not burn eternally in the fiery pits???

Eternal damnation!


Big, Big Win

This shifty-eyed Cardassian Jew could play boomers like tiny fiddles.

The Jew pushed for wars, for immigration, for whatever – and made it all a droning mess.

This was an emperor has no clothes situation, where these boomtards would sit an listen to this boring, babbling kike spew gibberish and say “oh well it must make sense – why else would he be on Fox News?”

Meanwhile, this “conservakike” was allying against goy conservatives with regular kikes, getting prizes from the rats of the ADL.

Ironically – actually it isn’t ironic, it is simply a mockery of the goyim – the ADL gave him a “First Amendment” award.

The ADL has the primary purpose of shutting down free speech, and yet they are giving Jewish propagandists “First Amendment” awards.

Watch the new leader of the ADL, low IQ kike Jonathan Greenblatt attack the Alt-Right and say that it needs to be shut down because the goyim know too much.

They also are the heads of shutting down free speech on social media.

They run the twitter ban squad, and recently suspended the anti-Zionist activist Luke O’Brien for doxing the Zio-kike shill Amy Mekelstein. O’Brien was well within his First Amendment rights when he stalked this kike, doxed her family and then faked sources to ensure her entire extended family had their lives destroyed – but the ADL doesn’t like that First Amendment speech, do they?

This is an extremist liberal Jew-terrorist organization that pushes for an end to freedom of speech so they can flood the goyim with infinity brown people while the stupid goyim have no ability to even complain about it.

But they also support infinity wars for Israel, and every other AIPAC-type Israeli Jew agenda.

Which is why an extremist liberal kike group gave Krauthammer an award – for dazzling the conservative goyim into supporting their forever war agenda in the Middle East.

It’s all so transparent, this Jew stuff, which is why the goyim must be continually dazzled.

Krauthammer was a shitty cyborg cripple as well, you might recall.

I am not anti-cyborg.

One might even say that I am pro-cyborg.

What I do not like is shitty cyborgs.

I like cyborgs that are winners.

I like cyborgs that can kill humans.

I like cyborgs that can beat humans at sports.

I like cyborgs that can provide humans with a superior sexual experience.

I do not like kike shitborgs that simply go on TV to dazzle the goyim with their low-tier hypnotic gibberish.

It is a great thing that this evil kike cyborg (shitborg) is finally dead.

Without his hypnotic gibberish on the TV dazzling their infantile minds, maybe boomers will be able to come a little baby step closer to reality.

I will leave you with this classic campaign Trump, from just after the announcement.

Rot in hell, Krauthammer, you filthy cripple kike bastard.