Boston Globe Publishes Fake “Trump’s America” Front Page

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 10, 2016


Click to enlarge.

The Jew yard-snakes of the Boston Globe yesterday published a fake Donald Trump as future President front page. Dated April 9, 2017 (as opposed to April 9, 2016, which was the actual date), the page featured the headline “Deportations Begin” with the subheading “President Trump calls for tripling of ICE forces; riots continue.”

Other headlines on the page were “Curfews extended in multiple cities,” “Markets sink as trade war looms,” “Bank glitch halts border wall work,” “Trump on Nobel prize short list,” “US soldiers refuse orders to kill ISIS families,” “New libel law targets ‘absolute scum’ in press.”

Basically, they frame the Trump win as turning America into Britain in that movie “Children of Men.” Or whichever other of the generic left-wing sci-fi distopia films that have been made over the last 20 years or so.


All your crap is totally crapped, goyim. We told you not to vote for the patriarchist.

It is important to give these people credit for the nerve of this action. It is also mildly creative.

Of course, the problem is, as propaganda this only appeals to the people who are already against Trump. The rest of us are just like “oh hell yeah!”

Because when Trump wins, it will be something like a dystopian science fiction film – except that it will be the exact opposite of that.

The article accompanying the satirical front page (apparently printed somewhere inside the paper, as it looks like the entire front page was a joke), begins with “blah blah blah hatred blah blah Moslems and Mexicans blah blah Hitler” before quickly jumping into demands that the GOP Jew Trump – and Cruz – at the convention and nominate Romney or Ryan.

They close by saying that if Republicans do this they will probably lose:

Action doesn’t mean political chicanery or subterfuge. It doesn’t mean settling for an equally extreme — and perhaps more dangerous — nominee in Ted Cruz. If the party can muster the courage to reject its first-place finisher, rejecting the runner-up should be even easier.

The Republican Party’s standard deserves to be hoisted by an honorable and decent man, like Romney or Ryan, elected on the convention floor. It is better to lose with principle than to accept a dangerous deal from a demagogue.

So there you have it, goyim.

Trump is Hitler and filled with hate, so elect Hillary to take away every freedom and bury you will brown people because values and principles.