Boston Whore Judge Charged with Helping Illegal Spics Evade ICE

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 26, 2019

Judge Shelley Joseph

If you let women out of the house, this is the sort of thing that is bound to happen.

Even someone with Down Syndrome could have predicted this.


A Massachusetts judge and court officer have been charged for allegedly helping an undocumented immigrant dodge immigration officials and escape court.

The two allegedly allowed the man to exit through a courthouse back door while an immigration officer waited outside to arrest him.

Boston-area judge Shelley Joseph and Wesley MacGregor have been charged with conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

The man was in court on drug charges and for being a fugitive from justice.

In their first court appearance on 25 April, both Judge Joseph, 51, and Mr MacGregor, 46, pleaded not guilty and were released.

According to court documents, an agent from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) attended an April 2018 hearing for the man in a Newton, Massachusetts district court with the intention of apprehending him.

The suspect, unidentified in court documents, was named Jose Medina-Perez, according to local media.

The Dominican Republic native had reportedly been deported from the US two times, in 2003 and 2007, the Boston Globe reported.

Court documents cite an order, issued upon his second removal, that prohibits Mr Medina-Perez from entering the US until 2027, according to the newspaper.

A wise man once said that bitches are not shit other than hoes and tricks.

Why would you let hoes and tricks be federal judges?

Are you insane?

They are just going to let her go. She will probably even be allowed to continue being a federal judge. She might be given a promotion.

The man – who was obviously just following her orders – will take the fall.

It’s all so tiresome.