Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 18, 2014

Yesterday, we reported on allegations by an alleged former boy-lover of X-Men director Bryan Singer that he was anally raped by the Jew when he was 15.
A post has been discovered on the IMDB forums which goes into some detail about the openly homosexual director’s love for young boys.
Below is that post in its entirety.
Here are the twins that live in Bryan Singer’s mansion. They’ve been with him for a while, unlike most of his boytoys. My buddy tells me that Bryan lets them drive his $500,000 McLaren when he’s out of town.
Next is Bryan’s assistant, 18 year old Steve Roberts. He was introduced to Bryan though Wayne Castro, one of the guys who run Tigerheat. He’s an old pimp, he’s the guy who scouts boys 18-23 for Bryan, usually every other week. Singer gives them P.A. roles and makes them extras in his films and tv shows. (Bryan only flies by private jet)
And next is Ken Rayes, a boy of the week for Bryan. Bryan cast him in the pilot of Mockingbird Lane and if you don’t believe me, you can watch the pilot and actually find him. He’s an 18 year old film major and was really excited when Bryan took him under his wing. He was Bryan’s boytoy for about two weeks and then Bryan was on to better things. Ken was heartbroken when Bryan dumped him. I’m friends with Ken on facebook, I have some jucier details and messages from him but I will not be posting that. I don’t have a pic of them together but like I said, if you don’t believe me, you can find him in the pilot of Mockingbird Lane.
Here’s another boytoy of the week, I’m actually not sure what this one’s name is but Bryan use to sneak him into clubs even though he’s underage.
Bryan with another teen twink who serves as one of his assistants. Next to Ian McKellen is Gary Goddard, he’s a good friend of Bryan, he is a Broadway producer turned theme park designer.
One of Bryan’s latest acquisitions, a young model named Frankie Donjae. He lives in New York so he’s Bryan’s go-to boy whenever he’s in NY. You can find more pics of him and Bryan on Frankie’s tumblr page.
Bryan goes through different boys each week. He promises them big movie roles and then just drops them. He and Roland Emmerich have infamous pool parties with literally hundreds of twinks, you can easily find the pics online. Bryan also certifiably has a thing for young twins. A pair live in his house and I have more pics of him with some other twins… but aside from that it’s interesting to note that Shawn Ashmore (Ice Man from X-Men) has a twin brother named Aaron and his brother wrote a blog post and described that he use to live in Bryan Singer’s house. So while I have no proof that Bryan dated them, you should be able to put two and two together. Of course they are way too old for him now. Just like Bryan Singer dropped Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty after they became too old and Superman Returns bombed. What, did you think a 24 year old Dan Harris became the writer of X-Men 2 based solely on narrative talent?
I also discovered today that the male massage therapist who accused John Travolta of trying to rape him back in 2009 told the press that Travolta had told him that he had learned to accept his life as a homosexual because it was the only way to make it in a Hollywood culture controlled by homosexual Jews.
The second is the still-unnamed masseur’s assertion of how Travolta explained how he learned to Stop Worrying and Love Transactional Same-Sex Liaisons: By accepting that Hollywood is controlled by “homosexual Jewish men” who expect sexual favors in return for career-related ones.
Hollywood is run by a mafia of Jews, most of whom are homosexual.
We should all feel deeply ashamed that we have trusted these people with the minds of our children.
We can only hope that this Bryan Singer situation will draw public attention not only to the problem of homosexualism, but also the problem of the Jews.