Brave Emma West Struck-Off From Her Career as a Dental Nurse for Telling the Truth

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 19, 2014

Emma West spoke from the heart and was rewarded with death threats, prison time, forced medication and now she has been struck-off.

The persecution of brave Emma West who spoke the truth in a tram full of invasive species continues.

Not satisfied with exposing her to death threats, prison time, forced medication and finally a two year community order in 2013, the Cameron Regime has now seen fit to ruin her career by getting her fired from her position as a dental nurse.

Croydon Guardian:

A woman filmed unleashing a vile torrent of racist abuse on a crowded tram through Croydon has been struck off from her role as a dental nurse.

Emma West, 37, from New Addington, made headlines around the world when footage of her foul-mouthed rant – in which she maligned “a load of black people and a load of f***ing Polish” – was uploaded onto YouTube in November 2011.

She admitted guilt nearly two years later at Croydon Magistrates’ Court, by which time more than 2.2 million people had watched the video.

Magistrates ordered West, who also admitted slashing her partner with a knife and assaulting a police officer, to carry out community service.

She was struck off after the General Dental Council ruled she posed a risk to patients and that her “appalling” behaviour had brought the profession into disrepute.

At a hearing on Friday, the council’s professional conduct committee watched the YouTube clip, entitled My Tram Experience.

The footage, which lasts two minutes and 25 seconds, sees West holding her then four-year-old son on a tram from Wimbledon to New Addington.

She shouts at passengers: “What has this country come to? A load of black people and a load of f***ing Polish.

“You ain’t English. No, you ain’t English either. You ain’t English. None of you’s f***ing English.

“It’s nothing now. Britain is nothing now. My Britain is f*** all now.”

Emma tears into the unwanted invaders of our lands.

West was arrested and charged with a racially aggravated public order offence within days of the footage becoming viral.

But she was not convicted until June 2013 after her lawyers argued she was not fit to stand trial.

It then emerged the mum-of-two had admitting stabbing her partner of 12 years, Ricky Metson, with an ornamental knife during an argument at their home.

A spokeswoman for the General Dental Council committee said: “Her conduct was truly appalling. It clearly has the capacity to bring the profession into disrepute and to undermine public confidence in its standards.

“Furthermore, her violent and abusive conduct would demonstrate a real risk to the safety of patients.

“In relation to her racially aggravated offence, this was committed in a public setting and received further public exposure, as a person had uploaded the video clip to the internet which has been viewed extensively.”

Miss West, who was already suspended from her job at a dental clinic in New Addington, will be struck off from the dental practice register after 28 days if she does not appeal.

She did not attend or send anyone to represent her at the hearing.

Anyone who stands up for the White race publicly is guaranteed to ruin all future job prospects.

They also run the risk of death threats, physical abuse and prison time.

All those that do speak up for us and make their faces known should be given our full support.

Best wishes to Emma West – one day they will pay for their crimes against her and all of the rest of us.

Emma leaves Croydon Court with her partner last year.