Justice for Germans
December 19, 2014

Here is a story you won’t hear in the “mainstream media” nor the alternative, unless it is first put through the wash and spin cycle. Thus, I will do my best to simply translate and present this important and very newsworthy story to the world for consideration as provided by the original author, whom I shall introduce, as well as provide some context for her perspective, as well as my own.
Frau Ursula Haverbeck, born in 1928, is an 86 year old survivor of the genocidal Allied terror bombing, the Russian onslaught of rape and pillage on Germany’s Eastern frontier, the anti-German pogroms and expulsions, and the post-war Morgenthau Plan of mass starvation perpetrated against Germany, the enslavement and mass murder of surrendered German soldiers as well as, of the post-war cultural genocide of the German nation by the criminal victors.
Many today still live in “denial” of these obvious and provable crimes, but no law prevents anyone from voicing their denial, so no one has ever been jailed for denying these facts. Nor is any notion of “collective guilt and punishment” forced upon the citizens of the nations which perpetrated these monstrous “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity”. The peoples of the Allied nations have not been divided, and had their land, culture and heritage stolen. Nor have they been forced to pay reparations to the Germans for this “Unholicaust”. No one has ever been jailed for spreading “false news” and “inciting hatred” toward the German people, though it is committed daily in the mass media; in books, films, TV shows, newspaper articles, schools, and in everyday average conversation amongst people everywhere.
Frau Haverbeck is a very learned, lucid and articulate lady, who is in good physical and mental health. She holds several university degrees, including in the field of Education. She, along with her late husband (a professor and former Eastern Front soldier) were both, in past years, very involved with environmental concerns in Germany, and were activists for the preservation of the German language and culture.
On November 20th, 2014, Frau Haverbeck made history by laying criminal charges against the Central Council of the Jews in Germany, under S. 344 of German Penal Code with “False Prosecutions” perpetrated against innocent Germans concerning their “denial of the holocaust” (TM). The crime of False Prosecution is punishable with up to 10 years imprisonment.
In this recent video entitled “The Biggest Problem of Our Time”, she cited the ever diminishing publicly acknowledged numbers of Jews who died at Auschwitz, as already acknowledged by official sources, and which can also be read by all on the plaque outside the former Auschwitz camp.
She referred to an article to this effect in the nationally published magazine “Der Spiegel” in 2002. Frau Haverbeck also stated that original NS German documents concerning the exact orders pertaining to the duties at Auschwitz which had been seized by the Soviet Union after the war, were now in possession of the mainstream “Institut für Zeitgeschicht” (Institute for History), and also available to the public for a fee of €124.00 since 2000.
Frau Haverbeck says that “these documents indicate very clearly, in full detail, that the Auschwitz camp was not an ‘Extermination Camp’, but rather a ‘labour camp’ for the defence industry, and moreover, that those in charge of its operation were under orders to maintain the health of the prisoners to the best of their ability for the purposes of production, which was essential for the continuing war effort”. She adds, “that is what those who worked there and have been accused of war crimes have always maintained!”
“Surely by now” Frau Haverbeck says “an official revision which encompasses these facts should have taken place and that all judgments made against so-called ‘deniers’ should have been overturned, as the evidence is available which supports their position, but nothing of the sort has happened. Many are still sitting in jail to this day. This puts the onus back on the accusers who continue to claim that 6 Million Jews were exterminated, to show us where the physical evidence is that supports their claim. Where are they?”
Frau Haverbeck stated that “I and others have petitioned every possible government department and branch of justice and have provided them with these documents, and yet nothing has happened. There has been no reply! The reason for that must be that they have no response as they have no evidence, as there was no holocaust”.
“If this was an indeed such an ‘open and shut case’ that is irrefutable, as the courts have ruled over and over again, and which they never tire of telling us, their case cannot rest upon any so-called ‘secret order’ . And for them to now have to acknowledge a drastically reduced number of victims is for them also not possible, given the alleged singularity of this event, as the one and the only, and the biggest and most heinous crime ever committed. Then let us consider and compare this with the ‘Rheinwiesenlager’ (Eisenhower’s Death Camps), Dresden, Hiroshima, and horrors experienced by the many millions of German expellees and refugees from the East!”
Frau Haverbeck then goes on to state that “in statements made at Nuremberg, no one testified to the presence of any gas chambers, and that confessions, particularly those of Rudolf Höss, are now well known to have been extracted through unimaginable, excruciating torture, to which anyone would have confessed to the mass murder of millions. No testimony, received by such means, as legal experts know, can be given consideration. Why is it that there should even be such a law as S. 130 that should deny us the ability to question this? And how is it that the entire body of defence testimony and uncountable volume of physical evidence which they tried to provide was completely ignored or destroyed? Such could only have proved to have been incriminating if something sinister had actually taken place. Obviously, they (the prosecutors) could prove nothing, and so these witnesses and their evidence had to disappear.”
She goes on to question how this is possible in Germany for the authorities to ignore, and asks whose interests these “authorities” and “academics” etc truly serve? (This roughly the first 10 minutes of the 19 minute long video. I’ll leave it there in the interest of time and length.)
In a statement posted on her website, Frau Haverbeck writes:
“After weeks of reading on the internet that ‘there was no Holocaust’ all processes in which critical-thinking citizens convicted of Holocaust denial under section 130, paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code must now be re-opened .
These citizens have committed no other crime other than that they came to the same conclusions earlier, that there may not have been any such “holocaust”, because of their own due diligence and scientific knowledge.
All interested parties should immediately consult the competent courts in order to make them now aware of this new evidence. Then, contact their respective lawyers to clarify as to how to proceed.
It was outrageous what took place after the reduction of the number of victims of Auschwitz, which was officially announced to the public, with no explanation, nor apology for giving false information. Whereas, the ‘Spiegel’ Editor, who wrote the same thing in an essay based upon the new archival discoveries, etc., has gone unpunished.
Even more serious and incompatible with the rule of law was the simultaneous arrest and jailing of the chemist Germar Rudolf. He had, with his chemistry expertise and his scientific investigations into Zyklon B as a potential gassing agent, come to the conclusion that the holocaust, as hitherto described, could not have happened at Auschwitz.
Now this is unacceptable: on the one side, the documents of the Commandant of Auschwitz show that this was a labor camp for the defence industry and not an extermination camp, yet the Ludwigsburg Central Office for prosecution of ‘National Socialist crimes’ has indicted about thirty men, now over ninety years old, on the charge that they had been involved an the extermination camp at Auschwitz, and in the murder of hundreds of thousands of people.
If the German citizen is still the supreme sovereign under the Basic Law in this Federal Republic of Germany, then each of us has a responsibility for the truth, and a right to expect that justice be done. This is the basic responsibility of every citizen. It is, therefore, also the duty of each to also work towards the restoration of law and justice.”
Approx. 2,000 Germans are charged each year in Germany under S.130 of Penal Code for “Holocaust Denial” which is punishable with up to 5 years imprisonment and fines, and also has social penalties, as those convicted find themselves unable to work and shut out of organizations, etc. In the media they are demonized and vilified as “Neo-Nazis” and “right-wing extremists”. The term “Nazi” is, as I have previously reported, a pejorative term created by the enemies of National Socialism long before Hitler ever came to power, and it is still wielded as a weapon to this day, in Germany and elsewhere, to stifle dissent and discussion, and to incite hatred.
Frau Haverbeck, herself, has been labelled as such and has previously been charged and convicted as a “Holocaust denier” and also with “Volksverhetzung” (inciting hatred) for her efforts to speak out on behalf of the German people who to do this day are burdened with the alleged guilt of starting the war, of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and the systematic mass murder of the European Jews.
Questioning any of this in “liberated” Germany is punishable with imprisonment. Presenting evidence to the contrary is not allowed. It is also forbidden in Canada and many European nations. Here is just a partial list of others (Germans and non-Germans) who have been tried, convicted, stalked, harassed and violently attacked for sharing their views and for presenting factual evidence contrary to the official and legally enforced narrative.
Quotes from Frau Havenbeck:
„Wir leben gar nicht in einer echten Demokratie, was man schon daran erkennen kann, daß alle Angst haben. Die Herrscher haben vor dem Volk Angst, deshalb gibt es Maulkorbgesetze, und das Volk hat vor den Regierenden Angst, deshalb wagt es nicht zu sagen, was es denkt.“ ~ Ursula Haverbeck vor dem Landgericht Dortmund, 11. Juni 2007
Translation: “We do not live a real democracy, which one can easily see when everyone lives in fear. The Controllers are afraid of the people, and for this reason, they have made “muzzle laws”, and so the people live in fear of those who rule over them. Therefore. the people do not dare to speak their minds.” ~ Ursula Havenbeck, before the State Court in Dortmund, 11th June, 2007
„Vaterland und Muttersprache bilden die Grundlage jeder völkischen Entwicklung. […] Ein Sklave, der seine Ketten nicht spürt, sehnt sich niemals nach der Freiheit.“ ~ Ursula Haverbeck als Referentin im NPD-Bürgerzentrum, März 2010
Translation: “Fatherland and Mother Tongue are the basis for any folkish (German cultural) development. […] A slave who does not realize he is in chains will never seek to free himself” ~ Ursula Havenbeck, as guest speaker of the NPD-Citizen Centre, March 2010.
A plaque created for her by friends and supporters in Germany:
