Brave Texas City Council Member Who Went Off on Blacks Refuses to Step Down

Daily Stormer
June 12, 2014

Unbowed and unbroken, a Texas city council member has defended her anti-black remarks made during a private conversation some snitch recorded.

Connie Trube, of La Marque, said “It’s not going to get any better until you get those blacks off the school board. She really turned black. She got on the school board with the rest of the blacks and they all just ganged up and that’s why the school system has gone to hell.”

City officials have launched an investigation into the remarks, but they have yet to launch an investigation into why it is that blacks demand that anything they have any degree of influence over goes to hell.

“What is on the tape is nothing more than me stating my honest opinion, and I don’t back down from that,” Trube said. “I never denied what was on the tape.”

You go girl!

The more we stand up, the more they are forced to show how obviously ridiculous their idiot position – the idea that blacks are somehow reasonable and normal people – obviously is.

The mayor has condemned this and demanded blah blah blah muh feelings, but no doubt the people are silently behind her. Everyone knows how these blacks behave – at least everyone who has ever had any significant level of contact with them does – and no one bloody likes it. Because it is disgusting and weird, this behavior of these blacks.