Brave White Mother Defeats Two Hateful Black Savages During Home Invasion

August 11, 2014

Kayla Walker grabbed one of the savages by the testicles and then throttled him, before head-butting him and hitting him with a hammer. Finally she got the shotgun out.

A south Georgia woman who fought back when two men forced their way into her home is encouraging others to do the same.

Berrien County Sheriff’s deputies were called to a home in reference to a burglary around 5:45 p.m. Tuesday.

According to a report, 19-year-old Kayla Walker and her 10-month-old son were at home when she said she heard a noise at the back door.

She went to check it out, and that’s when the door was pulled open by a man trying to get inside.

“But by the time I got in here, they was coming in and I was pushing them back out as hard as I could,” she said.

Walker said she immediately pushed the man out of the house, but another man behind him pushed them both back inside, knocking her to the ground.

That’s when she told investigators the second man straddled her and began beating her in the face, using racial slurs such as “stupid white (expletive).”

But Walker then said she grabbed the man by the testicles and caused him to fall over on her. She then grabbed him by the throat and began choking him.

“I head-butted him, then grabbed his privates and I reached up an started choking him,” she recalled.

She told officials that she choked him until she felt like he was unconscious, and then let go.

The attack took place at Walker’s home in the late afternoon.

But the man wasn’t unconscious.

He began to fight Walker again, and according to the report, she grabbed a hammer and hit the man several times on the head and on his body with it.

She then ran, grabbed her child, and went into a bedroom, where she grabbed a shotgun and pointed it at the men.

“He said, ‘This is my new house. I’m here to stay.’ I said, ‘Not at this residence.’ I put the gun to his face and the gun clicked and he ran,” she said.

Walker told deputies that she tried to shoot the intruders, but there was no shell in the chamber of the gun.

She reported that the man ran away through the woods, leaving a trail of blood behind him.

The whole attack lasted about 15 minutes and she was left with several bruises and scratches, but no severe injuries.

“If this would have happened to a younger girl, they probably would not have fought back,” Walker said. “They just need to know- don’t give up, fight back to the fullest no matter what.”

She said she reinforced her back door after the incident.

“Now that’s he’s come in we got a dead bolt lock on it. We got chains on it,” said Walker.

Walker was able to identify one of the men in a photo line up from authorities. No arrests were made as of Friday evening.