Brazil: Beloved Leader Bolsonaro Is Already Starting the Great Clean Up of Leftist Filth

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2018

Darn it, I love this man.

Brazil’s new President isn’t losing time clamping down on the dirty leftist rabble which ruined his nation in the first place.

Steps are being taken against all of Brazil’s subversives.

The first target: the fake news media.


For Brazil’s right-wing President-elect Jair Bolsonaro, attacking critical press outlets almost daily on social media is not enough. Once in office, he vows to hit their bottom line.

With half a billion dollars in public-sector marketing budgets coming under his discretion, the fiery former Army captain is threatening to slash ad buys with adversarial media groups, striking at the financial foundations of Brazil’s free press.

Honest question: how can the press be “free” if they depend on money from the government? Isn’t that the opposite of a “free press”?

Isn’t the meaning of “free press” that they’re free of government meddling? By withholding government money, Bolsonaro is actually forcing the press to become truly free.

Free from being employed, that is.

What a great guy.

After a campaign in which Bolsonaro dismissed investigative reporting as “fake news” invented by a corrupt establishment and his supporters went after individual journalists, the threats are sending a chill through the country’s newsrooms.

Asked in a TV interview last week if he would respect press freedom even for his favorite foil, newspaper Folha de S.Paulo, Brazil’s largest circulation daily, Bolsonaro’s answer was curt.

“That newspaper is done,” Bolsonaro said in a tense TV Globo interview. “As far as I’m concerned with government advertising — press that acts like that, lying shamelessly, won’t have any support from the federal government.”

I guess if the lying press of Brazil want to continue to wage their war on the people, they’ll have to figure out a way to do so without the people’s tax dollars funding them.

The next target in Bolsonaro’s cross-hairs: commie professors.

The Guardian:

A newly elected lawmaker from the party of Brazil’s ultra-rightwing president-elect, Jair Bolsonaro, has launched a campaign to encourage students to denounce teachers who complain about his victory.

America isn’t the only country whose academia is infested with commies.

The call came days after electoral authorities raided university events and classes about fascism on the pretext that they had broken electoral rules, and has raised fears of that Bolsonaro’s historic victory on Sunday will lead to ideological persecution.

You better believe you’re gonna be “ideologically persecuted.”

And this isn’t just a lawmaker from Jair’s party – the man himself has gotten in on the action:

In this video, Bolsonaro denounces various leftist professors by name, accusing them of supporting communism. Apparently they’re going to be putting up posters in universities encouraging students to report pinko professors.

That is absolutely glorious.

Journalists and professors are currently quaking in fear, and already adjusting their reporting and lessons to avoid getting purged and defunded.

All of this has happened less than a week after this man was elected.

A week.

Can you imagine what Brazil is going to look like in a year?

Is it too late to start learning Portuguese now?