Breaking News: Black Guy Discovered in Africa

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 10, 2015

Scientists are delighted after a Black man has been discovered in Africa.

Who would have expected to find Black people in Africa?
Who would have expected to find Black people in Africa?

Scientists never expected to find a Black guy in Africa.

Reports have been mixed, but there has been an undertone of racism in the reporting – even in the liberal paper The Guardian who described the Black man as having a “tiny brain.”

The article does not directly state that having a smaller brain would make him different than any other human in any way at all, but it is subtly implied, and The Guardian should be called to account.

“We’ve found a new species that we are placing in the genus Homo, which is really quite remarkable,” said Lee Berger, a paleoanthropologist who led the work at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. He described the slender, small-brained creatures as “long-legged”, “pinheaded” and “gangly”. The males stood about 5ft, with females a little shorter.

Measurements of the bones show that the creature has a curious blend of ancient ape and modern human-like features. Its brain is tiny, the size of a gorilla’s. Its teeth are small and simple. The thorax is primitive and ape-like, but its hands more modern, their shape well-suited to making basic tools. The feet and ankles are built for walking upright, but its fingers are curved, a feature seen in apes that spend much of their time in the trees. The findings are reported in two papers published in the online journal eLife.

“Pinheaded” and “gangly” also sound a bit racist to me, personally.

I also don’t think it’s right to refer to him as a “creature.”

The Black man, whose name is Homo naledi, told reporters he would be heading for Europe soon to find a better life. Angela Merkel announced that he was welcome and would be fully accommodated in Berlin.

Black people have previously been found in the Mediterranean Sea, Detroit and Berlin. This is the first time a Black man has ever been found in Africa.