Breaking the Highest Law: The Heresy of Homosexual “Marriage”

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
February 26, 2014

Man does not make the law. God does.
Man does not make the law. God does.

Natural laws are immutable, and cannot be changed. If you drop an apple, it will fall to the ground. This is a law. It does not matter what they are called, they exist as a part of the nature of reality. Life is limited by laws that direct the way that it evolves, they determine the consequences of actions.

The law that over-rides all others is the law of self-preservation. If an action has to be taken in order to keep you or the nation alive, then this was a lawful action, regardless of if it breaks other laws. Necessity is the fount of all laws, from the law of gravity to the law of segregation from other kinds.

Man tries to make up his own laws and has created institutions for doing this very thing. With our governments we create statutes, which are legislation that has the force of law by consent of the governed, but they are not laws. There is no guaranteed outcome of breaking a statute unless one is caught doing so, but real laws function regardless of who is watching. By claiming to be able to make laws instituting the natural order, our governments have brought the law into disrepute. It is now not uncommon to find people who think that laws are just words written on paper, rather than metaphysical boundaries put in place to guide us.

The Creator made the laws and only his laws matter, regardless of what current governments may say. In order for a death penalty to be lawful it must conform with the criteria set out for it in the Bible and it must be carried out. If it is not, then the judges are guilty of a crime at least as great as the original one.

Our nations and societies came into being as promised by our God and he reminded us of the laws that we needed to follow to maintain them. It is no good just following our own desires; we are corrupted beings and our desires will lead us to ruin. In order to prosper it is necessary for us to be guided by the will of our Creator, not by ourselves. To ignore these laws is to willingly bring curses down on our heads, curses that we ourselves volunteered to have have brought down upon us.

Rama and Sita get married. Is it just me or does Rama’s crown look like a Christian Bishop’s head-dress?


Marriage is the fulfillment of natural laws. It is the lawful way to produce children. It is impossible for two different kinds to be lawfully married and it is impossible for one gender to marry itself. Our earliest record of marriage explains the form and function of it: ‘Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.’ The result of that union is another man or woman to repeat the natural cycle.

Marriage never used to be about satisfying lust or being ‘in love’ as modern terminology would have it.  It was originally about honoring your parents, marrying who they chose for you, and producing grandchildren for them. Parents had the best interests of their children at heart and would make the best choice guided by wisdom through life experience, not paying attention to superficial things like good looks that would soon disappear. They would know what to look for in a prospective wife’s family, and would ensure the couple were of the same caste and not unequally yoked. This follows the example God set in the garden, where he chose the wife for Adam, making her of the same flesh as him.

The sacred gift.
The sacred gift.

A dowry would be paid, not because the woman was seen as property to be bought, but as a token of the infinite value that a woman represents as bearer of the womb containing the next generation and the continuation of the family line. This would also give the future bride a sense of security, confirming that she was a treasure to be protected and that she would be provided for as an adult. By producing children the couple repaid the debt that they owed to their own parents and fulfilled the command given to them by their creator.


Like all things, marriage and the act of marriage have their opposites. Homosexuals have always ridiculed marriage because it represents everything that they are not and are incapable of doing. Marriage is the act that consummates the contract, a contract to stay together exclusively in sickness and in health, and to give of each other in the way that creates children. Homosexuality by its very nature is promiscuous. The sex act can never be about producing children, but only ever about indulging lust. Since homosexuals cannot consummate the contract or fulfill it by creating children, then they cannot break it either. They cannot be unfaithful, as they have no-one to be faithful to. They ridicule those that are married for staying with one partner while they continue chasing after something they will never find.

In a similar way to how Satanists invert the Catholic mass and call it a Black mass, homosexuals used to invert marriage by holding mock marriages where they ridiculed a marriage ceremony with a gross parody of a bride and bridegroom. This was not because they wanted to be married, but because they hated marriage, just as Satanists hate Christianity. After their unnatural ceremony, they would defile their bodies by using them for the opposite of what God intended them for.

Heinrich Himmler, Head of the SS.

Sodomy is the act of anti-marriage and homosexuals behave like anti-husbands. Their lifestyle is the opposite of a married man’s lifestyle and their act is the opposite of the act of creation. It guarantees that no life will be created, it is honoring death rather than life and breaks the most fundamental law of all: the law of self-preservation. Their desire to have this most unnatural act of all redefined as the act of creation shows just how psychotically deluded they really are. Two homosexuals wanting to live together and call it marriage is like two pigs wallowing in muck and demanding the birds call it ‘flying.’

Blood for Blood

Heinrich Himmler, in a speech to the SS about homosexuality, referred to an ancient custom of drowning them in the bog, thus preventing them from abusing children, which is their only method of reproducing themselves. The bodies that are found in these bogs are not human sacrifices of Kings as we are taught, but executions of sodomites. This was no loss to society, as they are unable to add anything of real value to society. The members of the nation are the most valuable resource that any society has, and homosexuals are incapable of contributing to that cause.

Homosexuality breaks the law of self-preservation and is thus akin to suicide. If everyone were homosexual the race would die out, the same as if everyone were to miscegenate, the race would die out. We are all equal under the law. Everything must be measured by ‘would it be alright for everyone to do this?’ The laws for the individual are the same as the laws for the nation. The multitude is diminished by homosexuals and the natural law demands blood for blood.

The government cannot change the law on homosexuality or marriage, and it is a blasphemy to think that it can. All it can change are words upon paper, those who break the natural law will still be breaking the law and the negative results of their actions will be felt on the whole of society. By not enforcing the law of blood for blood the nation is encouraging its own demise. The necessity of self-preservation dictates that homosexuality must be prevented at all costs, along with miscegenation.

Self-preservation is the most fundamental law of all and over-rides all the others.

The Natural Order

Going against natural laws such as the law of kind after kind, the law of marriage and the law of segregation leads to destruction. These laws were divinely instigated for the good of the nations, and the result of breaking them is unavoidable chastisement. The law-breaker is prevented by God from seeing the harm he is doing to himself, thus he is restrained to endure his punishment. The cause of the sin becomes the effect of it and this behavior affects society as a whole. If it doesn’t get stopped, then it ends in the total destruction of that people.

The natural order is in place because it is beneficial to us.  It was designed by our Creator and it is thus madness to defy it. Man’s punishments are far preferable to God’s punishments and by enforcing the law ourselves we prevent further harm to the nation as a whole. We need to get back to obeying the fundamental laws of existence if we want to survive as a species, and this means outlawing everything that contradicts the necessity of self-preservation.