Breaking Up Big Tech Companies is Not Going to Stop Internet Censorship

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
June 3, 2019

Even if the government breaks up every large corporation in Silicon Valley, this alone will not do a single thing to stop these firms from continuing to censor free political speech on the Internet.

Reports have been coming out stating that the Department of Justice is looking at investigating Google’s parent company Alphabet Inc. for antitrust violations. The subversive Jewish media is spinning this story like it would be the most awful thing in the world if Google and other large technology firms were subject to such investigations.


This is the moment the U.S. technology superpowers surely knew was coming: The U.S. government is preparing to crawl all over Google to figure out whether it is an abusive monopolist. Google parent company Alphabet Inc. and the other tech giants should be quaking in their fleece vests.

Bloomberg News and other news organizations reported late Friday that the U.S. Department of Justice is preparing to open an investigation into Google’s compliance with antitrust laws. If it goes forward, an investigation will no doubt be broad, lengthy, messy, and impossible for Google and its investors to predict.

That should terrify Google and every other big technology company — because there’s no guarantee that the antitrust Klieg light will turn on one company alone.

Companies like Google, Amazon and others have absolutely become enormous corporate behemoths. So this fact alone makes it reasonable enough for the government to launch antitrust investigations. The problem is that no antitrust investigation is going to do anything to prevent these companies from continuing to stifle people’s right to free political speech.

Censorship within the modern day digital public square is a far more important issue than any problems we have with these firms operating as monopolies or trusts. Because without free political speech, nothing else really matters. You simply don’t have a free country if you can’t speak your mind without fear of retribution. Unfortunately, this is the status quo throughout the West.

Regardless of whether people want to admit it or not, we literally have Soviet-like censorship measures being imposed on us by the likes of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others. In many respects, you could argue that what we have is even worse than what they had in the Soviet Union. The only difference is that the censorship of political dissidents has been outsourced to a handful of corporate oligarchs.

These days, not even Steven Crowder – a moderate right-leaning comedian – is safe from the censorship police. He’s being investigated by YouTube because Carlos Maza, a homosexual who works for Vox News, whined that Crowder was making fun of him. And keep in mind that Maza is a person who literally uses the Twitter handle @gaywonk.

People who say things outside the scope of Jewish-mandated politically correct norms have been banned from the big social media sites, lost their jobs and in some cases have had their lives ruined.

It’s absolutely insane what is happening and it’s only going to get worse unless the government steps in and regulates these social media companies as utilities. The digital public square is a natural monopoly and the organizations that manage this infrastructure should be required to provide universal access to everyone regardless of a person’s political views.

What these organizations are doing is the equivalent of if AT&T in the 1960s refused to provide someone with a telephone number because they disliked their political views. AT&T was prevented from doing this because of government regulations, which mandated that they provide universal access to all Americans.

The broader point to this is that no amount of antitrust investigations will solve the biggest problem we have with these tech firms. There’s literally no difference between one company censoring people and a hundred different companies engaging in that same censorship.

Furthermore, the big three companies are obviously natural monopolies, making it harmful to the consumer to have them broken up.

Sure, you could argue that these companies should be broken up and that breaking them up would make them easier to regulate (especially in the case of Google owning YouTube and Facebook owning Instagram). The problem is that nobody in the government is making such an argument. Plus, nobody is talking about regulating these companies as utilities and mandating that they provide an environment that allows free political speech.

All we’ve seen is Donald Trump post random tweets describing how bad it is for people to be censored. He has effectively delivered no substantive action on what is an enormous problem.

Unfortunately, we are probably going to see this and other false solutions advanced to make people believe that the government is doing something substantive about these large Silicon Valley companies. But quite frankly, the only real issue of consequence pertaining to big tech is that of censorship and free political speech. Everything else pales in comparison.