Breivik Wins!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 21, 2016


The oppressed freedom fighter Anders Breivik, who is being illegally held captive by the Norwegian ZOG, successfully won a bit of relief from his oppressive and inhumane prison conditions yesterday.


Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has won part of a human rights case against the Norwegian state.

The court upheld his claim that some of his treatment amounted to “inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”.

After the judgement, Breivik’s lawyer, Oystein Storrvik, called for his solitary confinement to be repealed.

Breivik, a right-wing extremist, killed 69 people at a summer camp for young centre-left political activists on the island of Utoeya in July 2011.

Earlier that day, he set off a car bomb in the capital, Oslo, killing eight people.

In her ruling, judge Helen Andenaes Sekulic said the right not to be subjected to inhuman treatment represented “a fundamental value in a democratic society” and also applied to “terrorists and killers”.

Breivik had challenged the government over his solitary confinement, which saw him kept alone in his cell for 22 to 23 hours a day, denied contact with other inmates and only communicating with prison staff through a thick glass barrier.

His prison regime deviated so markedly from that enforced upon any other prisoner in Norway, regardless of the severity of their crimes, that it had to be considered an extra punishment, the judge said.

However, article three of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) required that prisoners be detained in conditions that did not exceed the unavoidable level of suffering inherent in detention, given the practical requirements of the particular case, she said.

The prison authorities had also not done enough to counteract the damage he had suffered from being in isolation, she said.

Regrettably, the bastards are still refusing to allow him contact with the outside world, so fan letters will continue to be denied.

Also, I regret to report to the ladies that he’s also still being denied conjugal visits.


When Breivik appeared in court yesterday, police had to set up barricades to hold back the throngs of young women trying to rush the place.

Human rights activists will continue to work toward securing Breivik’s freedom and making him the Prime Minister of Norway and also Sweden.

In a recent poll, a staggering 82% of White Norwegians and Swedes said they were “intensely excited” about the possibility of a Breivik premiership. Another 11% said that it would be “pretty cool.”
