Brendon O’Connell Released From Jail: March Update

Daily Stormer
April 2, 2014

Brendon O’Connell

The most famous Antisemitic web designer in the world, Brendon O’connell has been released from jail at last. He came out on January 23, 2014 to no job, no work and no accommodation.

He was the first person to be charged under the new ‘Racial Vilification’ laws for conduct likely to offend the Jew. The Jew in question this time was a Mr. Stanley Keyser. Stanley had been covertly filming Brendon and the Pro-Palestinian demonstration he was at, without identifying himself or asking permission. Brendon decided to turn the tables on him and start filming him. This got the Jew all riled up and he tried to snatch Brendon’s camera, whereupon Brendon pushed him away and called him a ‘Racist Jew.’

Calling anyone other than a White man a racist is known to have no effect, as most people think that only White people can be racists, but calling this Jew a racist had an entirely unexpected effect. It was deemed as ‘conduct intended to incite racist animosity’ by the Police and Brendon eventually ended up seeing 3 years inside for the so-called ‘offense,’ but not before the Israeli ambassador had got involved, along with 30 members of parliament. Just before that, the Detectives who had investigated his hard-drive had told him they were on his side and that the results of his research into the Jewish takeover of Australia, was top quality work that they would be acting on.

Who knows, if the Chabad-Lubavitch hadn’t got involved, those detectives might actually have done something about it.