Brexit “Negotiations” are Being Purposefully Thwarted by Childless Old Hag Theresa

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 9, 2017

Portraying this situation as “childless old women who want to destroy what men built because they are bitter that their lives are meaningless wastes” would be a complete description of the situation without even mentioning Jews. Of course, if it wasn’t for the Jews, these dumb old bitches would be baking cookies for their grandbabies, playing bridge and gossiping about the slut down the street and the aging bachelor who they think might be a faggot. Only a kike could ever come up with the idea of women ruling countries.

What is the purpose of Theresa May’s existence as a human being?

Think about that for 3-4 seconds.

The answer is obviously “nothing.”

She has failed to produce children, instead seeking a life of status in the political world. She finally made it to the top position. And so she shills for the people who put her there. There is nothing of value in her. She has no personality, she has no agenda – she isn’t even a person by any meaningful definition of the word “person.”

Any single domesticated animal lives a more meaningful life than Theresa May.


As in-fighting consumes the British government, Europeans have stepped up quiet preparations for a possible collapse of Brexit talks that could see Britain crash out of the EU without a deal 18 months from now.

Prime Minister Theresa May’s EU counterparts still see the “no-deal scenario” she threatened them with as most unlikely, as they think it would hurt Britain much more than the continent.

That is the stupidest concept imaginable.

It is very simple math here.

Even if the EU shut off trade completely – which there is zero way in hell they would do – the UK is in a better position than they are inside of the EU.

The UK has every single card in the deck here.

The only reason we are even having a “negotiation” is that Theresa is a shill for “international finance” also known as “the kikes.”

But after her faltering party conference last week and ahead of important meetings in Brussels over the next fortnight, diplomats and officials there and in big member states said they have been putting renewed focus on contingency planning for a legal limbo in March 2019 and urging businesses to do the same.

German officials say that in recent months they have been spending just as much energy on how to handle that as on preparing for a negotiated solution. The BDI industry federation in the biggest EU economy warned German firms on Thursday that it would be “naive” not to be ready for a “a very hard exit”.

Germany threatening Britain is like a paraplegic in a steel cage threatening a 7-foot body builder with a bump stock-enabled M-16.

It is completely nonsensical.

Britain could simply walk away from all of this and leave these Euroshills begging them.

Because hey – Hitler is my favorite leader of all time. Straight-up. But Britain is historically and currently a much more successful country than Germany and pretty much the rest of the mainland combined. Sorry. But you can measure that using math.

I don’t usually say things like that, because it doesn’t usually matter. We all want our nations back from the kikes who stole them, period. But in this situation, it is so glaringly obvious and yet no one is saying it because Merkel is the hero of this global story. She has been made into a saint because of her role as the Great Savior of Brown Sacred Icons, and that saint-power is being applied across the board in the geopolitical landscape.

Like May, who on Friday rejected calls from some lawmakers to resign, Michel Barnier, the European Union negotiator, says his aim is an orderly exit. But he repeatedly cautions that he also has a mandate from EU leaders to help prepare for failure and regularly tells businesses to be sure to plan for the worst.

“We want to be ready for all eventualities, including ‘no deal’,” he told business and labour representatives after the negotiations began in July. Deal or no deal is “the fundamental question”, he said, after talks made little progress in August.

“This is the growing feeling, absolutely,” a senior EU official said of concerns that talks could collapse, not because Britain saw economic advantage in that, as May has warned, but because British politics could end up in domestic stalemate that could mean missing reasonable deadlines for a withdrawal treaty.

For many, talk of a breakdown in talks remains part of the bluff and counter-bluff of negotiations. But what May’s problems inside her own government indicate to many across the Channel is that the country is so divided it may be unable to reach a deal.

“You need to factor in that it’s not a rational process,” the senior EU official said, repeating a common view that voting for Brexit made no economic sense in the first place. “So it’s not unlikely that they again shy away from what are the economic imperatives and we end up cliff-edging by political default.”

All complete nonsense.

This is designed to scare the British people and keep them from putting pressure on May.

Let’s be honest here: have you ever in your personal existence seen a face this sneaky? And if you have – was the person with that face planning to murder their family? This is an “I’m planning to murder my own family” face right here.

And it ultimately appears to be designed to simply avoid Brexit completely. If they are successful in this fear campaign, they could I guess call for a second referendum like “R U SURE THO???”

No idea. But whatever the case, this is about the UK losing to the EU, because the leader of the UK side is an EU shill.

This is like if you would have made Herman Goering the main judge at Nuremberg.

This weird reverse history situation continues.

Merkel is the Bizarro-Hitler, using the engine of German efficiency to destroy nations in the way that Hitler attempted to build them.