Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 24, 2016
The BBC has compiled polls to show the demographics of the opinion on Brexit.
The most extreme difference is between young and old, where 72% of 18-24-year-olds wish to remain, versus only 42% of those over 65 want to be in the Union. This is mainly due to the shallowness of the youth of Britain, who are concerned about their rights of free movement and Erasmus programs.
Nevermind that you could easily have a free movement treaty between the Northern European countries (UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany) without the EU. You could also have a free trade agreement between these countries. Neither freedom of movement nor trade require a centralized government.
The problem is that the average voter is too stupid to grasp that when the media is making all of these threats, and these kids are thinking they’ll have to cancel their Barcelona vacations if they vote leave.
Bloody hell mate. No beach titties this summer if the righties have their way mate.
In that speech where he said there was going to be a nuclear war in Europe if Britain left the EU, Cameron should have added “and titty-watching on the Spanish beach? Those days are gone for good, mate.”
The second biggest gap is between Whites and ethnic minorities, with only 49% of Whites wanting to remain compared to 68% of non-Whites. Just in case you’re not very good at math, that would mean that if Britain was still a purely White nation, they would be leaving the EU.
Women also wish to remain more than men, which again proves that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.