BRICS Summit: Putin Seems to Confirm Reports of Virile Korea’s Troops Being Stationed in Russia

The stories of North Korean troops being stationed in Kursk or being prepared to deploy in the Ukraine made sense and seemed logical enough, but the issue is that you only had the Western media making these claims, and they lie 95% of the time when talking about Russia.

There was some third party evidence in the form of pictures and videos, but who knows what that is.

Now, Putin has avoided answering the question, suggesting that either there are Koreans in Russia, or he wants the West to keep pushing that story.

The two countries did sign a mutual defense pact, and therefore it would only make sense to have Korean troops aiding with the Ukraine problem.

The Guardian:

Vladimir Putin has sidestepped claims that North Korea has sent soldiers to Russia, insisting that it was up to Moscow how to run its mutual defence clause with Pyongyang.

Speaking at the close of the Brics summit in Kazan on Thursday, he accused the west of escalating the Ukraine war and said it was “living an illusion” if it thought it could inflict a strategic defeat on Russia.

The US said it had seen evidence that North Korea had sent 3,000 troops to Russia for possible deployment in Ukraine, a move that could mark a fundamental challenge to Ukraine due to its manpower shortages.

They have a lot of fundamental challenges, but it’s clear that the fact that their military has mostly been killed or suffered life-altering injuries is the biggest of these challenges.

It was a pretty silly idea to fight a war of attrition against a much larger country.

Asked by a reporter about satellite imagery apparently showing North Korean troop movements, Putin said: “Images are a serious thing. If there are images, then they reflect something.”

He repeated his claims that the west had escalated the Ukraine crisis and said Nato officers and instructors were directly involved in the Ukraine war.

We know who is present there, from which European Nato countries, and how they carry out this work,” Putin said.

The UN secretary general, António Guterres, used his speech to call for a “just peace”.

Guterres was in Russia for the first time since April 2022 and was due to hold private talks on Ukraine with Putin later in the day. Moscow is seeking to use the forum to build a united front of emerging economies that use alternatives to the dollar with which to trade.

Guterres urged members of Brics not to see the organisation as an alternative to the UN, saying: “No single group and no single country can act alone or in isolation. It takes a community of nations, working as one global family, to address global challenges.”

It’s obviously a separate news story, which probably won’t get published here separately because certain employees would rather spam useless horseshit no one cares about, but it’s very interesting that The Fat Man showed up for this meeting.

The entire dynamic of the world is changing, and it’s become clear that these international organizations established by the United States are now open to influence from nations that the United States has declared to be enemies. This is especially true of China, mostly because they are so deeply integrated into the economies of every country in the world, and also because they’re willing to throw money around everywhere. There are very few countries in the world that have a negative view of China (and international organizations are run by people from countries).

China is a close ally of Russia. The UN showing up at this meeting is still quite something.

It’s also possible that the United States is seriously backing down on the pressure over the Ukraine. Though even if they were doing that, they would not want the UN to go endorse an anti-US dollar organization.

The situation in the Middle East and the US support for Israel is going to push things a lot more than the war in the Ukraine. Slowly but surely, the China-aligned countries will begin to hold more sway over the UN and its various organs.