Brilliant Merkelism: Teach Migrants to Drive Trucks

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 23, 2018

Angela Merkel is a strategic genius.


A pilot project in Germany is working to make it easier for asylum seekers to become truck drivers – an initiative that comes amid widespread unemployment for migrants who arrived during the migrant crisis.

The German Red Cross and the Logistics Organisation want to alleviate the shortage of drivers in the state of Schleswig-Holstein with targetted recruiting of asylum seekers, in moves that have been praised as “imaginative and praiseworthy” by regional Economics Minister Bernd Buchholz, reports Kieler Nachrichten.

A similar nation-wide programme of hiring asylum seekers and refugees as truck drivers was pushed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel after she opened Europe’s borders to over one million Middle Eastern and African migrants in 2015, the vast majority of whom are unskilled.

In September 2016, two prominent German driving associations rejected Merkel’s calls – their comments coming just three months before Libyan failed asylum seeker Anis Amristole an articulated lorry, killed the Polish driver, and drove it into a Berlin Christmas market killing 11 and injuring over 50.

This time, up to 100 refugees are to be recruited and 25 trucking companies are lined up for the programme, which is run in conjunction with the SVG Driving School North.

It’s perfect: give them the tools to murder you, and then they will feel bad doing it – they’ll be like “hey, should I really run over these Germans with this truck they taught me how to drive?”

And then they’ll feel guilty and stop their plan.

We should also heavily arm them with all sorts of military grade weapons, and teach them how to use them –

Oh wait.

Sweden has been on that one for a while.
