Brilliant Plan: Steve King Says Use Planned Parenthood and Food Stamps Money to Build THE WALL

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 12, 2017

White supremacist and confirmed genius Steve King has yet another brilliant plan: cut the baby murder and the free food for the sickening parasites in our country and use that money to BUILD THE WALL.

If women are actually so stupid and irresponsible that they get pregnant by accident – and they are also so lazy and stupid that they can’t afford to pay for their own abortion – then they can use a coat-hanger to fix that issue – and if they die during that process, I don’t care and I don’t know anyone who does.

As far as food stamp parasites – if these people are too lazy to feed themselves, then they should be let to starve.

What is the argument for not letting these people starve?

The Hill:

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) is calling for using federal funding for Planned Parenthood and food stamps to help pay for President Trump’s southern border wall, the Washington Examiner reported Wednesday.

On Tuesday, the House Appropriations Committee introduced a spending bill that would allocate $1.6 billion toward building the wall separating the U.S. from Mexico. The funding is part of the total $13.8 billion for Customs and Border Protection.

King said he supports the spending measure, but he would prefer an additional $5 billion for the wall — and suggested taking the extra funding from Planned Parenthood and federal welfare programs.

“I would find half of a billion dollars of that right out of Planned Parenthood’s budget,” he told the Examiner. “And the rest of it could come out of food stamps and the entitlements that are being spread out for people that haven’t worked in three generations.”

“We’ve got to put America back to work, this administration will do it,” King said.

A spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood said the group “receives federal funding the same way as every other hospital or community health care provider: through Medicaid reimbursements,” adding that King’s comments make no sense.

They will make a lot more sense after you get locked in a windowless room with Steve King for two hours and let him explain it to you.

“For Rep. Steve King to propose using Medicaid reimbursements to pay for a border wall is nonsensical and cruel. Blocking individuals on Medicaid from going to Planned Parenthood for preventive care will result in people losing access to care,” Erica Sackin said.

King went on that he believes the border wall would create millions of new jobs and reduce the amount of public assistance people would need.

King added that food stamps were created to fight malnutrition but that the people who benefit from these programs are now overweight.

Yeah, no shit.

Poor people are all fat.

We’ve all seen them at Walmart.

I personally think poor people should just be killed and made into fertilizer – but seriously, buying them food???

Why are we buying these slobs food?

If you’re going to have a government program that gives away free food, surely it shouldn’t apply to the obese.

Have you even seen this viral YouTube video?

If these fatties die from not eating then hey – I would play my tiny violin, but it seems to have blown away off my desk because I use a fan instead of air-conditioning because I’m not a decadent bozo.