Brian Moore Killer Given Life in Prison

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
December 24, 2017

Demetrius Blackwell.

How can you be imprisoned for your own vibrant cultural heritage?

New York Post:

Queens cop-killer Demetrius Blackwell was slammed Tuesday with the maximum prison sentence — life without parole — for the first-degree murder of NYPD Detective Brian Moore.

Blackwell, 37, was convicted of fatally shooting the 25-year-old officer in the head while Moore was on patrol with his partner in May 2015.

Outside the courthouse, Moore’s father, Raymond, said the cop-killer deserves to die.

“If New York state had the death penalty, I’d love to see this animal put down once and for all,” the former NYPD sergeant raged.

Over the course of the three-week trial, Moore’s partner, Erik Jansen, testified that Blackwell opened fire on them when Moore called him out for adjusting his waistband.

Moore asked Blackwell if he was packing a gun, and “[Blackwell] said, ‘Yeah, I got something!’ and he turned right towards the car and shot Brian,” Jansen testified.

Moore died two days later at Jamaica Hospital.

Brian Moore.