Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
April 2. 2014

Harrison, Arkansas is a mostly conservative town, but now it appears that they voted in the wrong man to be mayor.
Mayor Jeff Crockett was elected on his promise to make Harrison a wet county, legalizing alcohol. Now he’s in office, he has decided that the people who voted for him, aren’t “diverse” enough, because the town is majority White.
Crockett’s plan, like most anti-Whites, is to bring an unknown number of Blacks – possibly thousands, into Harrison – a small majority White town.
Crockett has been talking with Seattle-based PSG Films, which makes reality tv shows. An official opposed to White genocide in Harrison has released a reality tv show proposal written up by PSG Films, called ‘Bringing Black’, aiming to document the mayor’s genocidal schemes in Harrison.
According to PSG Films project ‘Bringing Black’, “[Mayor Crockett is] trying to get Black people to move back to Harrison“, and the Mayor and his team have asked Black people from all over the country to “give [Harrison] a trustworthy try … and free his town from its ‘racist’ reputation“.
“Now the mayor wants to try to bring the demographics back to what it was before 1905. To do that he needs to find 1200 Black people to move here” the documentary proposal says.
“He’s meeting with Fed-Ex, Pace Industries, and trying to recruit minorities to Harrison city jobs. Because for Harrison to grow, it has to change.”
Harrison city hall has planned an event tonight (April 1st), a candlelight vigil, a march, and an event where a casket labeled “racism” is buried.
Harrison is home to the giant billboard that has the words “Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White” written on it. Anti-Whites like Crockett pretend to fight in the name of “anti-racism”, but all of their actions are directed towards White people. It’s quite ironic the huge billboard is in the town he’s pushing his anti-White agenda.
According to anti-Whites, every White area has this “racism problem” that needs to be solved by making it “more diverse” – “racism problem” and “more diverse” are in quotes for a reason. While anti-Whites may say that to make themselves look good…through their actions they agree that every White area has this race problem that needs to be solved by making it less White.
You will probably see yourself how anti-Whites never say a Black area has this “racism problem” and needs to become less Black. This is because Black people are not the ones anti-Whites want to get rid of.
This is a systematic program of genocide carried out through-out many White countries, trying to at least reduce the number of White people, if not trying to completely blend us. It is White genocide because anti-Whites collectively admit that their goal is to make White areas less White. That indicates A: a specific targeting, White people, and B: the method of genocide, which is genocide by forced assimilation.