Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 3, 2016
The latest instance of a bro being persecuted comes from the UK, where a gentleman is being attacked for standing up against a tranny on the tube.
A video of a Tube passenger who stood up to a homophobe on the morning of New Year’s Day has gone viral after his message touched the hearts of people across the country.
Ryan Mahon was travelling on a busy Piccadilly Line train in the early hours of New Year’s Day when a fellow passenger began to “shout abuse at a drag queen”.
After Mahon stepped in he became the target of vile abuse and threats of violence. “If there was no camera nowhere, you’d have no jaw,” the rowdy man threatened.
“It’s sickening to think that this kind of abuse still happens in today’s society when there is no place nor any need for it,” Ryan said.“The guy in the video (and his friends who like to pipe up with random bullshit remarks) seem to think that being gay is sick and wrong. I think that discrimination, bigotry and general nastiness is sick and wrong.
“He seems to think that gay people have a negative influence on his child. I think having a father who thinks it’s acceptable to publicly shame others is far more of a negative influence.”
Author and activist Owen Jones has called for the police to get involved in the matter, while East Hull MP Karl Turner echoed the sentiment.
The British Transport Police have confirmed they are looking into the incident.
Of course faggots are a threat to his son and everyone else’s son. They prey on children. But the media won’t discuss that. They won’t even begin to engage the argument. Instead, they call you names, then they arrest you.
@LBC so @metpoliceuk should be investigating. At the very least public order offence. Aggravated by homophobic ranting is possible prison!?
— Karl Turner MP (@KarlTurnerMP) January 2, 2016
@LBC @metpoliceuk s.29 (b) Public Order Act makes it an offence for a person to use threats or behaviour against sexual orientation etc.
— Karl Turner MP (@KarlTurnerMP) January 2, 2016
Much easier to arrest all dissenters than to engage ideas, huh Britcucks?

smdh it’s 2016. How are we still calling for the imprisonment of anyone who voices opinions which differ from that of the ruling establishment?
Didn’t we fight wars for certain rights? What happened to these rights?
Who is responsible for taking these rights?

The persecution of this bro comes after the persecution of John Pisone, a bro who stood up to hippies in Pennsylvania and made monkey noises at an invasive Black.