Britain First Remind the Savages in Brick Lane That England is a Christian Country

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 21, 2015


Britain First take a trip through Moslem occupied Brick Lane in London to remind the colonisers that Britain is a Christian country and Christians have the right to go anywhere they please in their own country.

Various Moslems try to pick a fight, shouting that it is a Moslem area and Christians are not welcome in it.

The police turn up and Paul and Jayda get assaulted more than once, while the police just stand around and do nothing.

Steven Emerson from Fox News was quite right, the area is clearly a no-go zone for White people that are proud of their heritage.

Nobody moved out of the area when it was being bombed in the war, yet without any shots being fired by the enemy, London has been handed over to the heathen.