Britain First Vows to Prevent Infidel’s Mega Mosque Through Pig Burial

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 15, 2014

Britain First’s Paul Golding has vowed to prevent the mosque being built, by burying a pig in the grounds.

Plans for a 52ft high mosque complete with 62ft high minaret have been given the go ahead in Dudley, West Midlands.

This diabolical monstrosity has no business being built on the holy ground of England, where the first of the nations proclaimed themselves Christian.

Unsurprisingly, dirty tricks were used to force through the acceptance of the infidel’s temple, with White people being turned away from the final meeting in droves, while the Saracen was welcomed with open arms.

The protesters were not told that in order to get in to the meeting they would have to be there an hour before to get a ticket, yet the Muslims were made aware of this and out of 50 seats available, over 46 of them were filled with the enemy.

Despite there being only 370 letters of support received and 885 expressing indignation, the councillors still voted 5 to 3 to allow it.

As the meeting finished the barbarians poured out of the Council offices shouting “Allah Akhbar” and Britain First were there to meet them.