Britain’s Jails Clogged-Up With Foreign Criminals Due to Frustratingly Poor Deportation Record

April 28, 2014

Jamaican crack cocaine dealer Keno Forbes cannot be deported due to his ‘human rights’.

BRITAIN’S jails are clogged up with foreign criminals at a cost to taxpayers of hundreds of millions of pounds because of the Government’s “frustratingly poor” record on deporting them.

In a scathing report published today MPs said overseas inmates consistently account for one in seven of all serving convicts because immigration officials fail to kick existing crooks out quicker than new ones are sent down.

Shockingly the deportation rate plummeted by 18 per cent over three years, the Public Accounts Committee revealed.

Yonis Dirie, brutal Somalian rapist, cannot be deported because he was granted ‘indefinite leave’ to stay in Britain from 1994.

MPs on the committee also slammed failing rehabilitation programmes designed to stop ex-prisoners re-offending.

In a report into the country’s 130 prisons, the committee found that about 11,000 of the total 84,000 prisoners were from overseas costing the UK £300million a year.

Ahmed Hersi tried to rape a White woman on a bus, but could not be deported back to Somalia because he might face victimisation for being a “rich kid from England”.

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