Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
May 31, 2014

With no thought for the lasting consequences if everybody copied this ‘family,’ the Daily Mail are promoting the complete destruction of the White genetic code, by pushing a couple of race-mixers and their crimes against nature as ‘Britain’s ideal family.’
They even have the cheek to call it a ‘genetic blessing,’ when as we all know it is an eternal curse that can never be lifted that generations later will still be paying the price for. There is nothing that can be done for these children now or their descendants, they are trapped forever in a form not defined by God or nature, never to blush again – thanks to the selfishness and arrogance of their parents.

From the Daily Mail:
Meet the Rowleys, a genetically blessed family where mother, father and all three children all share model looks.
A genetically destroyed family, where the children will never again look like their parents or ancestors.
And they’re making the most of their attractiveness: the family, from Warwick, have appeared in hundreds of adverts – including campaigns for Mothercare, Next, Argos, Aldi, Umbro and Centre Parks – getting paid up to £1000 a day to pose for pictures.
Their ‘attractiveness’ is that they can be used to promote the false idea that race-mixing is harmless.
Father Anthony, 33, mother Kimberley, 31, and children Tilly, five, Maisie, three, and Henry, 18 months, are an advertiser’s dream – and collectively they make thousands upon thousands of pounds a year from their photogenic looks.
Encouraging the genocide of the White race through miscegenation has always been the Jew’s dream and through his control of the media and advertising he is doing his best to achieve it.
The family – who are all signed to agency Source Models – were approached about modelling as a package after the birth of their second daughter and have been busy ever since.
Without even knowing what the child looked like, the advertising company were keen to use them, so they could make race-mixing appear ‘normal’.
Mother Kimberley says: ‘I think we get booked a lot because we are a real mixed race family.
Yes, you got that correct, you sold out all your descendants and dishonoured all your ancestors just for the love of money.
‘It’s nice that more mixed families are used now, as when I first started modelling it was always a white male with white female and vice versa.
The Jews could not just suddenly start pushing miscegenation as normal, they had to prepare us through films, TV and celebrities first, before they started presenting it as a ‘normal’ family in advertising. Now they have pushed it so far that they can present it as the ‘ideal’ family. Not for much longer though, people all over the White world are realizing with horror just what it is their families and friends have done and will be making certain that it does not happen again.