Britain’s Universities are Institutionally Racist Slave Plantations

Diversity Macht Frei
October 23, 2016

A negro has claimed that Britain’s universities are institutionally racist slave plantations because negro students are unable to pass their exams as readily as non-negro students and because negro members of staff struggle to reach the upper echelons of the academic hierarchy.

Britain’s first black studies professor has made a scathing attack on his own profession, denouncing universities as “no less institutionally racist than the police force”. Kehinde Andrews, associate professor in sociology at Birmingham City University (BCU), likened universities to “the master’s house” and said some academics were like “overseers on the plantation”.

Andrews, who will start teaching the black studies degree course at BCU next year, said: “The history of universities is the history of oppression. Universities are not just complicit, they produce racism. They are no less institutionally racist than the police force.”

More than 92% of British professors are white, according to official figures, and only 60 of the 14,000 most senior academics are black. Ethnic minority students are more likely to attend university but are less likely to finish their course or gain a first-class degree.

Andrews, who was speaking at a conference to mark Black History Month, also attacked the “white curriculum”, saying it was so entrenched that “decolonising” it would be impossible.
