Britain’s WW1 Debt to be Repaid, But the Jew’s Banking Scam Remains in Place

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 4, 2014

The Jew hands you a piece of paper, but you then pay him back with your own blood, sweat and tears.

George Osborne has declared that in March 2015, Britain will finally have paid off the war debt.

Without borrowing this money in the first place, Britain would not have been able to continue the horrific brother’s war.  The money will be going back to the Jews, who alone profit from all wars by funding both sides with their international banks.

Instead of actually creating anything of value to lend, the Jew simply monetizes someone else’s promise to pay.  The Jew publishes the amount of money the borrower wants, then sits back while the borrower works to pay the amount back.

But that is not the only crime in the Jew’s banking scam, on top of being paid back for something he never owned or lent in the first place, the Jew then demands interest on top.

The interest on the war loan was at 3.5%. That means that 3.5% of the remaining ‘debt’ had to be paid to them every year, before the principal amount could be reduced.  By using this trick, the Jew ensures that he gets paid many times the original amount, which he never owned, or lent out in the first place.

Rather than being a triumph of fiscal credibility as George Osbourne wants people to think, paying this loan back is just an admittance that Britain is enslaved to the Jew.

Any country that does not issue its own money, but allows the Jew to do it instead, will continually be working to enrich the enemy.

Paying back the war debt is a hollow victory for Britain, because until the Jews are taken out from the money system, all the work done in the country will eventually end up benefiting them, rather than the British people.

If you do not want to contribute to the Jew, then stop generating credit through cards and bank loans, because every time you do, you are just creating more money for him to then demand back from you.