Britcuck Timothy Stanley Fears That Donald Trump Will Slow White Genocide, Wants Him Stumped Pronto

Benjamin Garland
Daily Stormer
February 11, 2016


British journalist Timothy Stanley, who apparently is Christian and not a Jew, despite writing articles with titles such as “The Ugly Return of Anti-Semitism,” has an op-ed published on CNN right now calling for the Republican party to unite and beat Trump (like that idea hasn’t been suggested before).

Apparently that is all you have to write to get published on CNN, because there is no substance at all to the article, just the same tired gibberish that gets repeated over and over every single day.

Donald Trump defies his critics, which is one of the things his fans love about him. Loud, crude, philosophically ill-defined — he ought to have crashed and burned as a Republican presidential candidate weeks ago.

Yet his big win in the New Hampshire primary finally proves that his national poll ratings can be turned into votes. Trump can win. Trump must be stopped.

Trump is a real estate magnate who helped transform the New York skyline in the 1980s, before moving into casinos and a retail empire that includes a tacky clothes-line. He previously identified as both an independent and a Democrat, before apparently shifting to the Right a decade ago.

When he entered the Republican presidential primaries, many of us wrote it off as a publicity stunt. The fact that it was such bad publicity should have told us we were wrong. Trump went after illegal immigrants — branding many of them as “rapists”, while asserting that “some, I assume, are good people” — and promised to surround the country with a wall.

From that the pundits deduced that he was far-right, if not a nationalist, like Marine Le Pen of France. But his appeal proved more complex.

Yes. Brilliant deduction.

On some domestic issues he is more left-wing: health care, infrastructure spending and tax. On social issues, like immigration, his tough guy appearance strikes a chord with people who feel they’ve been betrayed by weak national leadership and silenced by political correctness.

Yes, that does indeed “strike a cord,” and is exactly why we like him. Another brilliant deduction.

So what of it, Timmy?

His characterization of Mexican migrants — legal or otherwise — is wrong and damaging at a time when America is evolving towards a less-white society. His stance on Muslim immigration, which he would cease until the terror threat is brought under control, is racist.

Trump does not care about the things that regular conservatives have dedicated their lives to fighting for: controls on abortion, protection of marriage, reform of the healthcare market. His inclination towards expanding the government and putting it on the side of his people isn’t terribly constitutional. And his claim in a debate that the purpose of conservatism is to conserve wealth is spiritually impoverished.

The Republican Party needs to stop him — and sooner rather than later.


I see.

We are “evolving towards a less-white society.”

And apparently “less-white” equals “better”?

Then logically “no-white” would equal “best,” and so that’s what we should all be striving for, or else we are immoral?

I have to admit, this logic is a bit confusing to me.

Maybe some of you can send Timothy Stanley(@timothy_stanley) a message and ask him to explain his reason for being so fanatic about accelerating the brutal displacement and genocide of his own people?

If he gives you an answer please post it here in the comments, because I am very curious of the reasoning behind this phenomenon, a White person hating his own race so much he wants it to be over-run by Third World hordes and blown to pieces on the street by radical terrorists.

We need answers, Timothy.

Why are you so racist towards White people?

Why do you love Moslem terrorists?

And what makes you think Americans care about your opinion, while your own country is a nightmarish hell-hole, thanks to the exact types of policies and attitudes you promote?

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