Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 8, 2015

Donald Trump has made the ultimate statement of obvious fact: Moslems do not belong in White countries, and the logical thing to do is to get them out.
It is so obvious that everyone had been led – by the Jews – to believe it was impossible.
Now that it has been said, that cat will not return to its bag – ever.
But the reality that this cat is permanently bagless is not stopping a global torrent of hatred against Our Glorious Leader who has recently achieved the title of ULTIMATE SAVIOR.
Donald Trump’s call for a “total and complete” ban on Muslims entering the United States drew widespread condemnation around the world Tuesday, including from British and French leaders and the U.N. refugee agency.
Dar al-Ifta, Egypt’s official religious body, dubbed Trump’s remarks “hate rhetoric,” and a spokeswoman for the U.N. refugee agency expressed concern that they could jeopardize the ongoing refugee resettlement process.
I just hope Egypt doesn’t respond by banning Whites from their terror-ridden cesspit of a country!
While it is rare for a British prime minister to comment on contenders in the U.S. presidential race, Prime Minister David Cameron joined British politicians from all parties in condemning Trump’s remarks. Cameron said through a spokeswoman that he “completely disagrees” with Trump’s comments, which he regards as “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong.”
Yeah, maybe tell that to Lee Rigby’s family you cuckold faggot!
The billionaire developer and reality television star, who polls show leads the field for the GOP presidential nomination, released a statement Monday calling for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”
Later Monday, Trump, 69, read the statement out loud at a rally in Charleston, S.C., where an enthusiastic crowd greeted him with cheers and chants of “Trump! Trump!” and “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!”

For Americans! For the White race! Not for brown filth from anywhere!
“We have no choice. We have. No. Choice,” Trump said, with a shake of his head. His statement may be politically incorrect, he said, “but I don’t care!”
In Britain, Cameron’s spokeswoman told reporters: “The prime minister has been very clear that, as we look at how we tackle extremism and this poisonous ideology, what politicians need to do is look at ways they can bring communities together and make clear that these terrorists are not representative of Islam and indeed what they are doing is a perversion of Islam.”
When asked if Cameron would be willing to meet Trump or whether he could be banned from Britain, his spokeswoman declined to answer, saying the questions were “hypothetical.”
Yeah, ban him from Britain, you whiny little bitch.

We don’t care.
We have other friends.
Friends who are not total faggots and who support freedom over vague and unexplained “values.”

France fags have a lot of room to talk, getting shot up by refugees and welfare leeches in their cities where Moslems burn things non-stop.
In France, where the ruling Socialists are in a pitched election battle with a far-right anti-immigrant party, Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Tuesday wrote on Twitter that “Trump, like others, stokes hatred and conflations: our ONLY enemy is radical Islamism.”
Panties = bunched.
As you get BTFO by Le Pen!
No one likes Moslems, you cucks! No one wants them!
They are pure 0/5!
The heated rhetoric left many Muslims feeling bewildered, scared and angry. In Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, for example, Syrians stranded in overcrowded, cold refugee camps said they worried that rising xenophobia could further complicate their hopes of seeking asylum in the United States.
Ya think?
And yeah, we told you before that the time for fear comes later – well, guess what, haji?
It’s later.
You’re all getting deported, and never again will a ragheaded brown stink-monkey set foot on this holy soil that my valiant ancestors fought and bled for!
The time has come – you hajis are finished! You’d best figure out your own hellholes, because never again will you escape them for the land of the free!
“How can a country that always talks about human rights and freedom do this or even consider this?” said Bourhan Salem, 32, who fled to the Bekaa to escape the violence around his home in Syria’s Daraa province. “Do they know what we have suffered?”
It isn’t so much that we don’t know, Mr. Salem, it’s that we don’t care.
You’re out!
In Geneva, Melissa Fleming, a spokeswoman for the U.N. refugee agency, said Trump was speaking of “an entire population” but that his remarks particularly affect refugees.
“We are concerned that the rhetoric that is being used in the election campaign is putting an incredibly important resettlement program at risk that is meant for the most vulnerable people — the victims of the wars that the world is unable to stop,” Fleming said, according to Reuters news agency.
Dem programs at risk, bitch!

We’re shutting them down! We’re shutting them all down!
Joel Millman, a spokesman for the International Organization for Migration, said that “prejudice or discrimination based on religion is totally against every convention that we know of in aiding people in humanitarian emergencies and of course in resettlement,” Reuters reported.
What do you snakes not get?
America wants nothing to do with your “flood em with monkeys” agenda! We don’t care! Not our problem!
We have our own problems to deal with! We don’t need a bunch of welfare leeches from the anus of the world screwing with our systems!
Dar al-Ifta, the official Egyptian religious body, said in a statement that Trump’s rhetoric “will increase tension” in the United States, which is home to millions of Muslims who are “peaceful and loyal American citizens.”
Peaceful and loyal?
While 25% admit they support murdering us on our own streets after we allowed them in our base for no reason other than “it’s sad because they’re poor and have brown skin”?
“Yes, 25% will admit over the phone that they want to kill you all on the streets for Allah, but maybe of the other 75% some are good people.”
Who’s kidding who here, haji???

The jig is officially up!
And get this – huge surprise, goyim – Jews are claiming it’s a new Holocaust!
Trump’s call also drew reactions from journalists and editorial writers throughout Europe and in Israel, where he is due to arrive for a visit later this month. Israeli columnist Chemi Shalev said the sight of the crowds cheering Trump evoked the early days of Nazi Germany.
“For some Jews, the sight of thousands of supporters waving their fists in anger as Trump incited against Muslims and urged a blanket ban on their entry to the United States could have evoked associations with beer halls in Munich a century ago,” Shalev wrote in the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz.
Yes, filthy kike – it is absolutely exactly like that!
The bell tolls, you ratfaced weasel!
Trump’s comments were widely covered in the European media, with many outlets wondering if he went too far this time. The German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung ran an editorial with the headline, “How Donald Trump is betraying America.”
Right next to “how Angela Merkel is saving Germany” no doubt, huh?

Are these people insane? Do they really think people are going to continue to believe, now that The Donald released this cat from its bag prison?

This cat is friggin gigantic – it will not allow you to return it to that bag!
The jig is up!
Yall just got checkmated!
Trumps response to the storm of hatred against the White race?
“I. Don’t. Care.”
For my own part, a young blonde-haired lad who hates hajis and other non-Whites (especially Jews) approached me this morning, put his hand on my shoulder and looked me dead-on with his piercing blue eyes and asked: “have we started the fire?”
“Yes,” I replied. “The fire rises.”