Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 18, 2016
Many racists believe that the major threat to the West is hordes of brown people, what with their terrorism and ficki ficki.
But the actual threat is Donald Trump, who has hurt many people’s feelings with his words of hatred.
Gang-rape is easy to recover from. Two days, three days max and it’s like nothing ever happened. But hurt feelings because someone said something mean? Well friends, hurt feelings last a lifetime. What’s more, they are passed on from generation to generation.

What’s more, hurting feelings is up to ten thousand times worse than having sex with a pig.
Because of this great threat, Britain is today debating banning this evil feelings-hurter from their multicultural paradise.
For Donald Trump, in politics as in life, it seems the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.
But today, the Republican presidential candidate will enter unfamiliar territory, even by his larger-than-life standards, when British MPs hold a parliamentary debate over a petition calling for the U.S. businessman-turned-politician to be banned from the country.
The debate, which will be held in the UK Parliament’s Westminster Hall at 4.30 p.m. local time (11.30 a.m. ET), is a result of a petition launched last month by Scottish freelance journalist and activist Suzanne Kelly to block the former reality TV star from British shores.
The petition, which calls for the 69-year-old to be barred because of his “hate speech” after his calls for a travel ban on Muslims entering the United States, has received more than 574,000 signatures.
Any petition that gets more than 100,000 signatures is considered by Parliament’s Petitions Committee, which weighs whether to send the petition for debate by lawmakers in Parliament.A debate, but no vote
The unconventional debate is unlikely to result in any such action, however. No vote will be held at the end of the debate, and politicians are expected to treat it more as an opportunity to air their views on the divisive Republican under the protection of parliamentary privilege, which legally shields them from accusations of defamation or slander.
Finally, this evil American will learn what righteous British politicians think about his brutal attempts to hurt the feelings of innocent brown people.
And maybe for once in his life, Donald Trump will know what it feels like when someone says something mean about you.
It is certainly high-time this mean, mean man got a taste of his own medicine.