Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 1, 2016

I’m thinking they swung this way because they realized that Our Glorious Leader would simply invade the country if they tried to ban him.
Or maybe they realized how outrageous and borderline nonsensical it was to be talking about banning a man who may well be America’s next President.
The British government on Wednesday offered a pointedly inconclusive response to an online citizens’ petition asking that Trump be banned from the country.
In its statement, the government reaffirmed the power of Home Secretary Theresa May to “exclude a non-European Economic Area national from the UK if she considers their presence in the UK to be non-conducive to the public good,” but does not clearly state whether her office would apply that criteria to Trump.
“The Home Secretary has said that coming to the UK is a privilege and not a right,” the official comment reads.
Yeah, unless you’re some race other than White.
As if you could stop the Donald from entering anyway.
“She will continue to use the powers available to prevent from entering the UK those who seek to harm our society and who do not share our basic values.”
“Basic values” is codeword for “unlimited Islamic immigration.”
It goes on to recall comments made by PM David Cameron, who, in speaking to Parliament after Trump launched his proposal to halt the immigration of Muslims into the U.S., called the billionaire “stupid” and “three times a loser.”
“Tits” Cameron, known for literally having sex with pigs, called the Alpha Male Billionaire and US Presidential frontrunner a “loser.”
That could be one of the nuttiest things I’ve ever heard. It’s up there with “transgender” 3-year-olds on the crazy-scale.

“The Prime Minister has made clear that he completely disagrees with Donald Trump’s remarks,” the statement said. “The Home Secretary has said that Donald Trump’s remarks in relation to Muslims are divisive, unhelpful and wrong … We reject any attempts to create division and marginalisation amongst those we endeavour to protect.”
You’d best endeavor to protect your precious hajis, you cuckold filth. Because come November, this whole situation is getting switched-up. The Trump Train has already broken the sound barrier, and we’re going to have no problem running it straight across the ocean to remove kebab from your country.

Even if 90% of your people want this kebab, Glorious Leader doesn’t care. He wants American tourists to be able to vacation in London without feeling like they’re in Dubai.