British Army Calls for More White People to be Replaced by Colorfuls

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 30, 2015

Notice the way the White man has been placed at the back with half his face covered up and in the shade, inferring he is ashamed to be White, while the Negro at the front has a megawatt spotlight blasted in his face. The female also has her face lit up, but is not featured in the article.

Just in case you thought it was only White television actors that were all being replaced by simian-like Black faces with only one expression, a copy of the latest edition of the British Army’s Soldier magazine has just arrived on our news desk.

Inside is a feature article that is supposedly ‘debating diversity’ though as usual, there is no actual debate and all those interviewed are just calling for more of it.

Lance Corporal Michael Lynch seems positively ecstatic to see all his White comrades replaced by savages.

“White riflemen are almost a minority here, which is quite a cool thing” he says, seemingly oblivious to the fact that his platoon is now filled with potential enemies who would sooner stab him in the back than think to risk their lives to save his.

Who would you rather have at your back?
Who would you rather have at your back?

“We’ve got Indians, Pakistanis and Africans” he continues, as if having his own British people replaced by barbarians who never even got as far as developing a sewerage system in their own lands is somehow an improvement.

But perhaps we are the ones at fault, maybe we have somehow got the wrong idea of what an army is for.

CSJT Jayesh Gajjar certainly seems to have some strange ideas about it: “If you can’t come here and enjoy yourself then something is missing” he says, seemingly thinking the army is some kind of role-playing game just there to please him.

You're in the army now. Have a fun time.
You’re in the army now. Have a fun time.

RFN John Vincent talks about how diversity brings new life experiences and skills.

But what possible skills could any of the other races bring, that we were not already superior at?

To be fair, Africans do have a thing or two to teach us about... rape...
To be fair, Africans do have a thing or two to teach us about…

What skill is a 70 IQ African Negro going to bring with him? Skill at raping? Skill at lying? Or perhaps the legendary African skill at running away?

What about the Pakistanis, what are they going to bring to the army, a need to stop and pray five times a day perhaps? Demands for Halal food?

Dual-wielding swords is not a necessary skill in the modern military
Dual-wielding swords is not a necessary or useful skill in the modern military
Again, there is a concerning amount of confusion about whether or not this is a video game or real life.
Again, there is a concerning amount of confusion about whether or not this is a video game or real life.

The whole idea is crazy and the genuine ethnic British that are left in the army must be furious at what they are being forced to endure.

The whole point of an army is to defend your nation. “Diversity” by definition means people from other nations, so having them in a European army means they are perfectly positioned to sabotage it for their own nation’s interests.

No wonder the sub-races are all singing the praises of diversity in the article, it is the White traitors quoted in there that need to be taking a long hard look at themselves.