British Blame Putin for GCHQ Spying on Donald Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 18, 2017

I believe the Spicer claim that the British spy service GCHQ spied on Donald Trump is very likely true. It makes sense.

But the media is claiming it is yet another Putinist Russian conspiracy.

Daily Express:

The shocking White House accusation that Britain spied on Donald Trump during his election campaign allegedly came from Russia, it has been revealed.

A Cheltenham-based spy agency discovered the original claim that GCHQ had wire-tapped the US President, was from a Russian news site, the Sun has claimed.

Speaking to the newspaper, the anonymous intelligence source said: “We have identified the site where the claim was first made.

“The whole incident bears all the hallmarks of the Russians. It’s a shame people who should know better fell for it.”

The accusations came after GCHQ warned UK political parties of Russian hacking threats.

The spy agency’s computer security chief wrote to political parties offering advice on preventing hacks, according to the Sunday Times.

In a letter to politicians, Ciaran Martin, chief executive of GCHQ’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), said: “You will be aware of the coverage of events in the United States, Germany and elsewhere reminding us of the potential for hostile action against the UK political system.

“This is not just about the network security of political parties’ own systems. Attacks against our democratic processes go beyond this and can include attacks on parliament, constituency offices, think tanks and pressure groups and individuals’ email accounts.”

Russia’s declining relationship with Britain was laid bare yesterday when Moscow’s ambassador to the UK warned Boris Johnson ahead of his visit to the former soviet state to “act friendly or beware”.

He said: “We don’t need a cosy relationship with Britain, just the one based on mutual respect and national interest. The rhetoric does matter but without a positive agenda it becomes an end in itself.”

Mr Yakovenko added that any evidence Russia had been involved in hacking should be brought into the public domain.

We are way beyond “reds under the bed” levels here.

I don’t think the cold war was ever this ridiculous – at least back then Russia had genuinely hostile rhetoric.