British Blogger Arrested for Harassment of Lee Rigby’s Family, Calling Them Crisis Actors

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
August 2, 2014

Lee Rigby was run down in a car before being hacked to death by Blacks. The murder of a White man by Blacks is hardly an unlikely, or unheard of, occurrence.

When people are running around claiming things like this are a hoax, they really should think of the hurt they could be causing to the victim’s family if it wasn’t a hoax.

Why anyone would think the government needed to fake Muslims killing a White man, when it happens just about every day, I don’t know.

Yes it was strange that the mainstream news chose to show footage of the killer, but quite understandable, as the woman that filmed it had already shared it online before the Police could get to her and request her not to.

This was not without precedent anyway, as the same thing happened with the brutal murder of Muammar Gaddafi being shown.

It must be very hurtful having people doubt that your own son or husband has actually been killed, when they were murdered in such a horrific and public way.

I’m not sure that this is the best way to deal with it though.

Chris Spivey had been promoting the idea that Lee Rigby’s murder was just a hoax to smear Muslims. Others who have been promoting this idea are the Jew Morris Hermon and the Muslims behind ‘Operation Trojanhorse’, who were attempting to take over the administration of various British schools. Chris is obviously not in very good company with his theory, though I doubt very much that he has anything to do with those other two groups.

Daily Mail:

A blogger who claimed the murder of soldier Lee Rigby was a hoax aimed at stirring up anti-Islam hatred was arrested in a 2am raid yesterday.

Christopher Spivey, 51, a tattoo artist from Rochford, Essex, was arrested on suspicion of harassment via social media after police raided his home and took away computer equipment.

Mr Spivey claimed in internet articles that he spent hours researching footage of Mr Rigby’s killing and the aftermath to ‘prove’ that the British establishment had faked the murder to incite hatred towards Muslims.

It is unclear whether the arrest was made in relation to these articles or another separate case, or cases, of alleged harassment.

In a rambling post uploaded to his blog on Tuesday, Mr Spivey claims that there are eight seconds of footage ‘missing’ from the CCTV footage that captured the death of Drummer Rigby, who was run down and then hacked to death in Woolwich, London, in May last year.

He goes on to discuss his theory in extensive detail, sharing ‘calculations’ that he has made of the speed that the car was travelling at when it hit Lee Rigby.

CCTV stills like this one appeared on Chris’ blog yesterday. Police said ”The arrest relates to an allegation of harassment via social media which has been referred to Essex Police by Greater Manchester Police.’

This logic, among other suggestions, shows that the brutal murder was in fact a ‘hoax’, he claims.

Police involved in the investigation would neither confirm nor deny whether the alleged harassment was connected to Lee Rigby’s mother Lyn Rigby and stepfather Ian Rigby, who live in Middleton, Manchester.

Among Mr Spivey’s online supporters are David Icke, the former footballer and BBC Grandstand presenter who has become known for his conspiracy theories.

Mr Spivey was being held in custody yesterday in Southend, Essex after his arrest, which came about when officers from Essex Police acted on a referral from Greater Manchester Police.

He has since been released on police bail pending further inquiries until September 5.

An Essex Police spokeswoman said: ‘A 51-year-old man from Rochford was arrested by Essex Police on suspicion of harassment in the early hours of Wednesday, July 30.