Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 22, 2015

So, 12 years ago so dumb Jew rat went to Germany to investigate the far-right, and ended up running out into traffic and getting hit by a car, apparently on purpose.
Now, the British are going back and whining, saying that he was killed in a vague sort of Nazi mind-control conspiracy.
A British coroner has ruled that he did not commit suicide, and so, nonsenically, the Nazis are being blamed.
The ruling overturned that of a German coroner, who upheld a police decision that Jeremiah Duggan, 22, died after committing “suicide by means of traffic accident” after attending a conference by the far right LaRouche group near Wiesbaden in March, 2003.
But coroner Andrew Walker ruled that the group “may have had a bearing” on Duggan’s death.
“May have had a bearing” you say? Strong words. True conviction. Worthy of thousands of news articles about the evil Germans.
“The fact that he attended a conference run by this far right-wing organisation… together with Mr Duggan expressing that he was a Jew, British and questioning the material put before him, may have had a bearing on Mr Duggan’s death in the sense that it may have put him at risk from members of the organisation and caused him to become distressed and seek to leave,” Walker said.
Walker rejected claims that Duggan’s body had been moved to the motorway after he was killed, but said there were unexplained injuries on his body that suggested he “may have been involved in an altercation at some stage before his death”.
Duggan’s family have long been convinced that the student did not take his own life.
In a statement, his family said: “We wish to express our gratitude… that the fact that he revealed that he was Jewish, British, and questioned the anti-British and antisemitic ideology may have been a factor in his death and put him at risk from those in the organisation; and that he became distressed and sought to leave the conference.”
What is all this “may have been a factor” business?
They expressed their hope that the verdict would serve as a warning to other young people attracted to cults.
“We hope Jeremiah’s legacy will be that the strong message that such extremist organisations exist, which target university students for recruitment, has been heard, so that the dangers they pose can be avoided.”
Ah, okay. So this is designed to send a message that right-wing groups are evil.
But guys, I still don’t get what you are talking about when a person runs out in a busy road and someone else is responsible. Unless they secretly drugged him, I am not understanding how they can be responsible for or “have a bearing” on his death.
Earlier, French MP and cult expert Catherine Picard said that Duggan may have been placed under significant psychological pressure from the group before his death.
Jeremiah might have been under the influence or control of the organisation LaRouche, which exploited his vulnerability due to geographical isolation in Germany, without members of his family or girlfriend, and played on a potential loss of bearings.
“It should be noted that members of this organisation undergo significant pressure and part of the psychological pressure is being subjected to repeated conspiracy theories and antisemitic discourse.”
Hahahhahah. Okay, now I get it. Their belief system was just too much for the guy to handle, so he jumped in front of a car because the whole situation made him go mental.
Gonna be pretty hard to get a murder conviction on that. But you know what isn’t hard? Writing a bunch of news articles about how evil Nazis killed a man by causing him so much stress he couldn’t go on living. Just make sure you don’t mention anyone’s name so they don’t sue you for defamation.