“British” ISIS Bride Who Just Wants People to Feel Bad for Her Denied Entry Into UK

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 23, 2019

This typical British ISIS bride just wants to return to the UK and be normal. And she feels she is very entitled to it. Really, people should be sympathetic to her, after all she’s been through, what with joining ISIS and so on.

But the white supremacist patriarch Sajid Javid isn’t feeling sympathetic. He is filled with anti-Islamic hatred for this poor British girl, and the troubles which have befallen her.

Seriously, this could happen to any typical British teen. How can we not love them?


The British woman who moved from London to Syria in 2015 to join the Islamic State won’t be able to return to England, British officials say. A lawyer for the family says 19-year-old Shamima Begum’s citizenship is being revoked — an action that could render her stateless.

Begum had wanted to return before the birth of her third child, but British Security Minister Ben Wallace said he was unwilling to risk British lives “to go looking for terrorists or former terrorists in a failed state,” according to The Guardian. Despite the urging of President Trump, European countries in general have been reluctant to welcome back citizens who have sided with the Islamic State.

Yeah, Trump wanted them to put them on trial, and by avoiding officially receiving them, they won’t have to put them on trial. They can just let them sneak back in with the old wink-wink.

Gonna be hard to sneak to Britain though.

A letter sent Tuesday from the Home Office to Begum’s mother, and obtained by ITV News, said: “In light of the circumstances of your daughter … the order removing her British citizenship has subsequently been made.” The Home Office asked the mother to inform her daughter of the decision, along with her right to appeal.

Attorney Tasnime Akunjee said in a tweet that Begum’s family is disappointed by the Home Office’s move “to have an order made depriving Shamima of her citizenship.” Askunjee said they are considering “all legal avenues to challenge this decision.”

Begum was the subject of an international search when, as a 15-year-old, she and two other teenage girls ran away from their homes in London and made their way through Turkey into Syria.

Shortly after arriving, she married a Dutch ISIS fighter and gave birth to two children who she says died from malnutrition and disease. Pregnant a third time, Begum fled to a refugee camp in Syria.

She was found this month by a reporter from The Times of London, who was visiting the Syrian camp that is home to 39,000 refugees containing hundreds of wives, widows and children of ISIS fighters.

“Her two infant children were dead; her husband in captivity,” reporter Anthony Loyd wrote. “Nineteen years old, nine months pregnant, weak and exhausted from her escape across the desert, she nevertheless looked calm and spoke with a collected voice. ‘I’m not the same silly little 15-year-old schoolgirl who ran away from Bethnal Green four years ago,’ she told me. ‘And I don’t regret coming here.’ ”

Begum has since given birth to her third child, a boy. She told the BBC earlier this week that she didn’t want to be the “poster girl” for the Islamic State, and she hoped that her new baby could be British. “I actually do support some British values and I am willing to go back to the UK and settle back again and rehabilitate and that stuff,” she said.

But British officials are unwilling to risk British lives to retrieve her, Wallace said, telling the BBC that “actions have consequences.” Home Secretary Sajid Javid told members of Parliament on Monday that British troops would not be sent to rescue nationals who had left to join the Islamic State in Syria, the BBC reported.

Good old Sajid.

The last true British patriot.

Kipling would be in awe of the strength of his patriotic will.