British Jigaboo Who Committed Murder in US is Released From Prison After 38 Years and Deported Back to UK a Free Man

Daily Stormer
February 28, 2017


We always have to hear about how tough blacks have it when it comes to the justice system, but I can’t help but question how racist the courts really are if they’re willing to allow a clearly dangerous criminal to be back out on the streets.

Daily Mail:

A murderer who strangled his 14-year-old girlfriend has been freed and deported to back to Britain despite being ruled as too dangerous to be released in America.

Demspey Hawkins, 57, killed beau Susan Jacobson on Staten Island, New York, in May 1976.

London-born Hawkins, then 16, lured the teen to an underground bunker and strangled her with his shirt sleeve, before stuffing her lifeless body in an oil drum.

Two years later, he was caught and sentenced to 22 years in prison. But It would be 20 years until he finally confessed to killing his victim.

After he was turned down for parole 10 times by US prison chiefs, top lawyers got involved and he was finally granted his freedom on the ruling that he was shipped back to England.

The decision has sparked outrage among his victim’s family, who fear he could kill again.

I mean, he only brutally murdered a white teenager to death, right? I’m sure he is a really decent guy.

As she was only fourteen it is incredibly sad that her life was the price she had to pay for stupidly mixing with a porch monkey

And why is he back in Britain? Because of this shitlib whore

Now he is back in the country of his birth after campaigning by Cambridge University criminology expert Dr Ruth Armstrong, Prisoners Abroad, a human rights charity, and support by the British Consulate.

Dempsey, who moved to the US aged six, is living in Cambridge and working at a Mexican restaurant in the city, run by Dr Armstrong’s husband.

How beautiful that her worthless husband and her are helping the poor black man get his life back together.

You could always send Dr Armstong an email and ask her why she’s so retarded.

And if you don’t hear from her you could always give her a call on +44 (0) 1223 768508 and find out how it’s possible that her husband and her could be so cucked that they’d actually help fight and provide for a man who killed a member of the white race.

However, while campaigners, including an academic from Yale University in the US, have celebrated Dempsey’s freedom, his victim’s sister, Barbara Reno, is distraught and described him as a ‘convincing liar‘.

She told the Sun: ‘I think he’s very capable of killing again.

He has a bad soul. He has lied and manipulated from day one. While he was in prison he spun a ‘woe is me’ sob story, as if it was some kind of love story and he was heartbroken.

Susan’s family are still haunted by the twisted killing of the teenager decades ago.

Dempsey had been dating Susan for about a year at the time of the attack, but she had been ordered to break the relationship off by her parents after she was forced to have an abortion.

Her boyfriend could not dare to think of Susan being with someone else and decided that if he couldn’t have her, no one else could either.

During a phone interview from behind bars in 2011, he later admitted: ‘It was a warm day. With the arm of the shirt, I put it around her neck, as if to kiss her, and I just started squeezing it. Her hands went up to the shirt and I just looked away and just kept squeezing the shirt.’

He dindu nuffin, it was an act of passion!

It’s always sickening and gross to see members of the white race play a part in events that better the lives of degenerates who are not worthy of such help or time, but Dr Armstrong should be held 100% accountable for anything that Demspey Hawkins does. (And trust me, he’ll do something.)