British Jihadi Once Dreamt of Being Prime Minister

Daily Stormer
June 23, 2014

Reyaad Khan, back before his hereditary genes conquered his environmental influences.

The more publicity stories like this get, the better, as it exposes the fallacy that removing the Non-White from his homeland and planting him in European soil magically remove all loyalties to his ethnic group and civilises him at the same time.

This young Jihadi shows the typical genetic journey from nurture to nature, as back before his heritage started calling to him he believed in the nonsense that we were all equal and that he could be Prime Minister if he tried hard enough. As soon as he got a little older though, he realized this was untrue and that in reality he was born to wage barbarous Jihad on the rest of the world, just like all his Arab ancestors.

What he looks like now, with a rifle on his knee.

From the Daily Mail:

Once he dreamed of becoming the first Asian Prime Minister, but now this British-born jihadi spouts only hatred as he boasts of his allegiance to the murderous terrorists of ISIS, on their killing spree in Iraq and Syria.

Identified today by The Mail on Sunday, Reyaad Khan, 20, sits with a Kalashnikov assault rifle against his shoulder alongside two other British Islamists in a chilling recruitment video, urging British Muslims to take up arms.

Reyaad, who former school friends in Wales recall as a studious pupil who loved sports, is the second man to be identified in the video. He has joined the estimated 500 Britons who have been radicalised and gone to fight in the Middle East.

The 20-year-old’s mother tearfully told Sky News: ‘Please come back before it is too late. You are my only one son.

‘We can’t eat and sleep Reyaad. Please come back before it’s too late. I love you so much.’

Yesterday, after seeing his photograph in the media, at least five people on Twitter named him as Reyaad Khan, a former pupil at Cardiff’s Cantonian High School.

From there he went to St David’s Catholic sixth-form college in the city, attended by 20-year-old gap-year student Nasser Muthana – also seen in the video urging Britons to join ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria.

Nasser had taken £100 from his father to go on an Islamic seminar in Shrewsbury in November, but instead went to Syria.

Three months later his brother Aseel, 17, left the house saying he was going to a friend’s for the night, but the following evening it transpired that Aseel had obtained a second passport by lying about his age and was in Cyprus, travelling to Syria.

Last night at his home in Cardiff,  Nasser’s father, engineer Ahmed Muthana, 57, confirmed that Reyaad was the second man on the video.

Mr Muthana said: ‘I have driven my son around to Reyaad’s house in Cardiff, but he would always get me to drop him in the street rather than outside the front door, so I don’t know which house he lived in.’

He told Sky news today: ‘(Nasser) was a very soft person, very nice. why he left his family I don’t know. It’s devastating for me and my family.

When asked where he believes his son became radicalised, he said: ‘In the mosque. We don’t know which one.’

They dont know which one it was, because it could have been any of them, there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, only an apostate one.

He also had a message for teachers of extremism in the UK: ‘Send your own children first. Don’t send other people’s children to make a problem for other countries and for me in the UK.’

In the 13-minute recruitment film, taken as the men were about to cross from Syria into Iraq, Khan appears under the name ‘Brother Abu Dujana al Hindi – from Britain’, saying: ‘This is a message to the brothers who have stayed behind .  .  . you need to ask yourselves what prevents you from coming to the land of Al-Sham [Syria], what prevents you from joining the ranks of the mujahideen.’