Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
April 4, 2019
Justice Hayden, Guardian of The Old Ways
The Jewish media puts sex everywhere to make people think about it constantly, but the Jews also make heterosexual sex much more difficult to achieve by introducing convoluted ideas about “consent” and about what marriage is supposed to be.
One man is taking a stand against that bullshit. This judge is bringing old ideas and common sense back into the discussion about the role of marriage in our society, and he’s doing all of that by… saying that a husband should be able to have sex with his wife.
A British judge has invoked the ire of online commentators, activists and politicians after remarking that it was a man’s “fundamental human right” to have sex with his wife during an already controversial court case.
“I cannot think of any more obviously fundamental human right than the right of a man to have sex with his wife… I think he is entitled to have it properly argued,” senior High Court judge Justice Hayden was quoted as saying during a preliminary hearing on a case involving a married couple of 20 years.
The wife has learning difficulties and her condition is deteriorating, prompting social services to raise the alarm about the potential for sexual abuse in the relationship as they felt the woman was no longer able to make decisions about whether she consented to sexual relations. Social services ultimately brought the case to the Court of Protection in London.
The husband has pledged to no longer sleep with his wife but prosecuting lawyers are still pushing for a court order barring sexual relations to prevent the woman from being raped.
Let’s get something out of the way first: all women have learning difficulties. It’s just a matter of how severe those difficulties are.
That said, if she can say yes or no to a question such as “do you want some ice cream?” or “do you feel like watching a movie?” then she can absolutely consent to sex.
This whole “consent” thing is a retarded Jewish invention that overcomplicates basic male-female interaction. If a woman doesn’t want to have sex, she resists, if she wants to stop having sex while having sex, she makes it known. If she for some reason decides to pretend to be okay with having sex while not feeling like having sex, then that’s her problem. Literally something that happens in her mind that can’t be measured or proven.
The insanity of this story is augmented by the fact that even though the poor husband pledged to no longer sleep with his wife, prosecutors still push for a court order to officially make him unable to have sex with his wife.
Do you understand how insane that is?
If a man can’t have sex with his wife, why does he have a wife?
But Jewcheck Twitter is mad.
This legitimises misogyny and woman-hatred. A judge stating “I cannot think of any more obviously fundamental human right than the right of a man to have sex with his wife”. No man in the UK has such a legal right to insist on sex. No consent = rape. https://t.co/PUYmhR9TN3
— Thangam Debbonaire (@ThangamMP) April 2, 2019
It is not a basic human right to have sex with your wife. It is not even close to a right .
— Jess Phillips (@jessphillips) April 2, 2019
Whatever the circumstances, no one has the right to have sex with you without your consent.
Contact us for support ➡️ https://t.co/V88nIRxZBe pic.twitter.com/EYHb9uGBDf
— Victim Support (@VictimSupport) April 2, 2019
I'm surprised, in this day and age, it's even being discussed. A bit of a no-brainer.
And I'd have thought, for the dinosaurs with this attitude, sex would be a distant memory.
— Dave Heavy (@Heavy_Dave) April 2, 2019
Having read the article, I’d expect the judge to want to consider all angles. The fact he’s representing the best interests of the husband rather than her in his wording is the concern. There’s nothing to suggest this woman’s wants have changed, just that her capacity has.
— Francesca (@Francesca_W_S) April 2, 2019
Justice Hayden's 'I cannot think of any more fundamentally obvious human right than the right of a man to have sex with his wife' is astonishing & revolting in equal measure. Get a grip, man, and maybe visit the 21st century while you're at it.
— Kathy Martin?? (@KathyMartin001) April 2, 2019
I don't consider it a basic human right to even make eye contact with my partner before they've had their first morning coffee.
— Eran Edry (@EranE1980) April 2, 2019
As a psychotherapist who works with people with learning disabilities. I'm curious to know if in fact the woman has learning disabilities or diffulties. The two definitions are quite different but often get confused even by professionals in the field
— James Hawkins (@jammyhawkeye) April 2, 2019
I still hope someone would try to explain why should anyone marry in this day and age. Maybe provide a list of the alleged benefits of marriage, benefits you can’t get without marriage.
The marriage of today is not the marriage of our great-grandfathers, and you can thank the Jews for that.
I know some of you may think marriage isn’t that bad. Maybe you understand it’s a bad deal on a logical level but you feel it has its charm.
Believe me, it has no charm anymore.
The idea about marriage that most people have in their subconscious was put there by tales of old, by their grandfathers, and by the Jewish social-engineering media machine.
If marriage doesn’t ask anything from women, and gives them half of your stuff or more whenever they please, it not only does nothing to stop relationships from breaking down but it actually provides incentives for relationships to break down.
These whores will destroy your life if you let them.
The moment they feel they’ve secured you, that you have no alternative front-hole, and that you’re socially and legally prohibited from looking for their replacement… that’s the moment they’ll decide to stop having sex with you. Sex will become less and less frequent. She’ll never be “in the mood,” she’ll always be tired or with headache. She’ll never treat you the same. She’ll look at you with disdain. She’ll resent you. She’ll feel trapped by you even though you’re the one that’s really trapped. She’ll feel you’re abusive even though she’s the one being abusive.
She’ll file for divorce and she’ll take as much from you as she possibly can, and then she’ll tell everyone you know about how terrible you are. She’ll go fuck some loser that can’t compare to you but that will have more than you because she’ll share the stuff she took from you with him, and they’ll laugh at you every time you go get your kids on the weekends.
Your kids won’t understand why daddy looks so poor now while mommy and her new boyfriend seem so well off. You’ll want to explain to them… but you won’t be able to. You wouldn’t even know where to start.
As time passes, you’ll see how your own kids prefer mommy’s boyfriend. They’ll tell you how funny he is, how many great things they do together, and how much time they spend together. Every time you send them back to her house… you’ll feel like a shadow. An empty human husk trapping the echoes of the man that you once were and mixing them with the cries of the man that you wanted to be.
All because you thought marriage meant something other than your doom.