Daily Stormer
January 22, 2014
The British magazine The Economist has, apparently by accident, published a political cartoon illustrating the Jewish control over the American political system.
The image is of Obama reaching out to try and grab hands – to negotiate – with Iran’s President Rohani. However, they are unable to reach one another, because Obama is being weighted down with a chain tied to the US Congress. However, upon closer examination, one sees that the US Congress symbol is embossed with the Jew Star of David.

But Antisemitism is strictly forbidden these days, you see. And by “working definition of Antisemitism” as recognized by both the US and the EU, this image is most assuredly Antisemitic.
Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
The fact that Jews do control the media, and admit it, and that fact that viritually every major banking figure is Jewish, and admits it, and the fact that AIPAC (along with the ADL, for the matter) openly function as the most powerful lobby in Washington, which any expert will admit, means nothing. Pointing out the objective facts about Jewish power in America and across the planet is hatred, simply because the Jews who control the societal institutions who pass such decrees about right and wrong speech declare it so.
The image has, of course, been removed.
I must give my congratulations to the artist, who I am quite sure will never work for a mainstream publication again. At least not until we get rid of these Jews, at which point we should give him an award for being so bold.