British Man Nearly Loses his Leg to Spider Bite

Daily Mail
October 11, 2013

Horrific: A huge scar on Ricki Whitmore's thigh after he had to undergo emergency surgery after being bitten by the UK's most venomous spider, the false widow.
Horrific: A huge scar on Ricki Whitmore’s thigh after he had to undergo emergency surgery after being bitten by the UK’s most venomous spider, the false widow.

A decorator almost lost his leg and will have to learn to walk again after he suffered a horrific bite from Britain’s most poisonous spider.

Ricki Whitmore, 39, was injured when he disturbed a nest of flesh-eating false widows while working at a school and will be off his feet for six months.

Surgeons were forced to slice open his leg and flush out the venom after his thigh swelled to twice its normal size.

Experts said today that 10million of the spiders – a cousin of the deadly black widow – could be swarming around Britain and heading into homes to escape the cold.

Mr Whitmore, from Romford in Essex, will now have to undergo six months of specialist physiotherapy and admitted: ‘I am just lucky to still have my leg’.

‘There was a really sharp pain and then my leg started to throb,’ he told the Daily Star.

‘I managed to get home, but by the time I arrived my thigh had swollen to twice its normal size.

‘They tried to put a drain in his thigh. The skin ruptured and pus oozed out. It was revolting – it smelt like someone had died.’

He is one of a number of people across the UK to suffer nasty bites from the spideramid fears that numbers are soaring.

With temperatures outside plummeting as the winter months approach, millions of the spiders could make their way into homes across the country to escape the cold.

Traditionally they were only found in the south of England, but there nests being found in Wales and Scotland.

Intense treatment: Ricki Whitmore, pictured with his step-son Stanley (back), son Ricki jnr (front left) and daughter Olivia, will now have to undergo months of physiotherapy just to walk again.
Intense treatment: Ricki Whitmore, pictured with his step-son Stanley (back), son Ricki jnr (front left) and daughter Olivia, will now have to undergo months of physiotherapy just to walk again.

Mr Whitmore told how he was attacked by the spider, which can bite when threatened, because he never normally kills the creatures and instead tried to brush it out of the way as he worked.

His wife Carrie said that she was horrified when her husband staggered through the door of the family home looking pale and sweaty.

Once surgeons had initially flushed the poison out of his leg, Mr Whitmore had to have his thigh ‘washed’ eight times in the ensuing weeks.


Nasty bite: Mr Whitmore was bitten by the false widow spider, pictured, which is related to the deadly black widow.
Nasty bite: Mr Whitmore was bitten by the false widow spider, pictured, which is related to the deadly black widow.

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