Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2015

British lawmakers have released a report stating that the EU and Britain “sleepwalked” into this insane crisis in the Ukraine, having totally failed to grasp what was happening and how their actions effected it.
This is an obvious fact. The West has collectively sunk into such a deep state of depravity, that no one really even knows what’s going on, least of all a bunch of politicians who are too busy with fine dining and hookers to read Google News on their phones and have some idea what is happening in the world.
In their report, lawmakers from the upper house of Britain’s parliament heaped criticism on Moscow, which they said had been gradually turning away from Europe and had misread Ukraine’s appetite for a trade deal with the EU.
But the House of Lords’ EU Sub-Committee on External Affairs reserved some of its harshest criticism for the EU and Britain, saying they had made a series of errors in the run-up to the crisis and were partly to blame for the situation unravelling.
“There has been a strong element of ‘sleepwalking’ into the current crisis, with Member States being taken by surprise by events in Ukraine,” the report said, saying the EU’s absence of political oversight over trade talks with Kiev had been glaring.
“A loss of collective analytical capacity has weakened Member States’ ability to read the political shifts in Russia and to offer an authoritative response,” it added, saying the EU had failed to appreciate “the exceptional nature” of Ukraine.
“A loss of collective analytical capacity” would be the exactly correct way to phrase what is happening here.
This is what always happens in governments with multiple parties. People who are good at arguing and not really anything else take power, everything is totally corrupt and everyone is incompetent on a level that is almost unimaginable.
In a one party system, you would have individuals being elected (solely by male property-owners, mind you) based on actual merit and political discussions would take place based on logic and debate rather than pointless arguing in circles. This current system amount to nothing more than a circus. The Jews love it.
Given the decadent and depraved nature of the current Western political order, some Jew like Victoria Nuland can come up with a plan to throw a revolution in the Ukraine, saying “yeah, you know, I think we can just take a huge part of Putin’s base away from him and he probably won’t even try to stop us or do anything.”

She can then get the funding necessary from the US taxpayer because for a complicated list of reasons they have huge budgets for this sort of thing, funnel it to her ethnic comrades in country, and cause a massive chaos rioting situation.

Then, the entire Western political establishment, having no idea what is actually going on or what the ramifications of it are, and not really caring, is just like “well, I guess we’d better support the freedom guys, those Jews with the army of Neo-Nazis – they seem like jolly good chaps.” And of course there are all these Jews whispering those positions into their ears while they’re feeding them cheese platters and underage hookers.

So then you end up with a war with Russia over something that makes no sense at all, and doesn’t really even benefit Jews as a group in any way – Jewish bankers benefit in the short term from the IMF loans, but all that giving out gigantic loans to a country you know will default does in the long term is hasten the collapse of the entire financial system and with it the dawn of the race war wherein a lot of Jews are going to get raped, killed and eaten along with the rest of us.
Because there is no central planning Jew group these days, all of these various elements come together to create total madness.
Then you have Putin, who is an actual leader, looking at these people like they are stupid children, like “what the hell are you guys even doing? What is the point of this? Do you know we have trade deals with each other? Also, do you know the Ukraine is basically a completely worthless country filled with nothing much else but drunks and prostitutes and is actually costing me money? Why do you even want it? What is wrong with you people?”

And the West is then just all like “we’re doing the freedom you patriarchal bastard!”
And Putin’s like “okay whatever I don’t know what that means but why?”

And then Obama is like “because the best freedom is the greatest of all freedoms ever to the democracy, we shall do a freedom against oppression of beliefs.”

And then Merkel is like “well, I don’t know if I would go that far, but yes, the freedom is the best democracy freedom.”
It is like the escalation of a drunken bar fight.
Of course, a committee of people who actually read the news can be formed and be like “yeah, we flipped through some articles and we came to the conclusion that this is completely retarded and we have no idea why anyone got involved in it. It actually looks like no one even thought about why they were doing it, let alone what would happen when they did it.”
I don’t make predictions about geopolitics anymore. But maybe the publishing of this report is signalling a desire to just give in and let Putin have Donbass – they can always block these sorts of negative reports if they want.
The second Minsk agreement has already failed, apparently, and Merkel seems to be very uncomfortable with Obama’s apparent desire to send weapons to the Maidan.
I think the establishment of Europe is finally seeing the “far right” as the threat they are to the current order, and they are making the connection between the far right and Russia, and see the kind of fuel that would be given to Le Pen and Farage and the rising German resistance etc. if they continue to escalate this thing which is not only looking stupid and weird to everyone but is also costing money.
The next move is going to have to come soon. The West either needs to go all in or fold. And either way, it’s good for us. Either they show they are insane war-mongers or they show Putin is a leader of a quality beyond anything the West has seen in seven decades and capable of getting exactly what he wants, which is a quality intrinsically attractive to human beings, and will so lead to further support for the European right which has aligned itself with Putin.
I’m on the edge of my seat.